Saturday, December 2, 2023

Weather Swing - Decorations

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 73  Lo 62)   It was low 38 a couple mornings with high in the 40's now 72

The weather temperature changes are just as bad here as in the Midwest. It's hard to know how to dress for the day. Rule: dress in layers. The week ended in rain and fog. We need the rain badly, so that's ok 

This week was routine. It won't be long I'll change it up, I don't like doing the same thing each week. I need to get thru December and get the new year started. I have some ideas in mind. 

Monday was WII bowling, nope didn't get past 200 this time. In the afternoon we were to have a wellness class that talked about why sleep is so important. They didn't show up, guess they were sleeping, so we all went home. I had cards in the evening then zoom call with the GBM gals. It's my support group and all of us lost our hubbies with the same cancer. 

Tuesday we are all working on diamond art pictures. It's going to be a continuation from here on till no one comes. It's fun just to talk and meet people in the village while working on our pictures. I stayed an extra half hour for the meditation class. We're usually there an hour and half then I went home to crochet. I did get the nativity set done for one order, still have two more to finish by next week.  (Click on the photo to enlarge). 

Wednesday WII Bowling, but the same on Monday, not a good score. I have some days I'm over 200 and some days I don't get to 200. It's just a game, no biggy. I played cards in another village and they had all their decorations up. It looked so good. 

These are quilted.

Thursday I went to the crochet group. The gal that wanted the nativity set loved it, so I have a feeling with everyone at the group seeing it, I better be making some for next year. We have a little store that sells our crafts, I'll make a few thru the summer and put them in the store next year. I went from that group to playing shuffleboard with a couple other gals. I had just enough time to make one of my meals, (spaghetti and shrimp with zucchini) for dinner then go play cards, Everything has to be timed just right on Thursdays so I'm not late for anything. 

Friday I normally have darts but there's only one person that comes down to play, so I cancelled it for the rest of the month. I went shopping for Christmas wrapping paper and tape. I also picked up a few things for the donation box for the needy in the area we're doing as a village. 

Saturday we had our village meeting. There's so much going on and hard to keep the dates of things straight. There's activities we have to pay for and others are free. I'll keep a close eye on the daily activities so the next few weeks I'll have plenty to blog about.  Happy hour was at 4:00. 

I walked around and got a few pictures of all the decorations. The first pic is an egg that one of the gals had in a dozen egg carton, the top didn't go down, and this egg was huge. We felt sorry for the hen. Could it be a duck egg? How did it get passed the inspectors? 
This is the clubhouse of Village 5
This is decorations in clubhouse of Village 6

The commons area where the lunchroom is located. 

This is Village 1

         This is the door decoration of the activities office. That's a lot of work, good job gals.

I'll have a lot more photos with decorations this week. There's judging of the trees later in the month with money for winning. The Air Force Association does the judging and parties with the residents in the villages. This is my first time, so I'll tell all about it in the blogs coming up. The rest of the month has a lot going on. I hope you follow. Thank you if you do. 

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

We old people seem to have a lot going on before Christmas. You sure do. UP here we have our Christmas dinner Friday at church. They say "pot luck" but how it that possible when they give you a card listing items to bring.

Then next week two Senior Parties. One at our local center, the other one given by the County that includes all of the centers in the county.

Enjoy your activities as we enjoy ours.

Blessing of the Season.

Friends Detained - Rummage Sale - Puzzles

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 78   Low 55) The couple, Lessie and Ed,  that's staying with me got a call from their RV shop  saying they had power...