Sunday, November 26, 2023

Card Games - Thanksgiving - Decorating

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  65  Lo 45) 

It took awhile to find groups that play hand and foot. I mentioned it in another blog, but I'm so happy to be a substitute for two groups and one that I play every Wednesday. I have never seen or heard of how they play the game it's challenging, but I'm catching on. It's neat to go to another game and try to remember their rules. I'm thrilled to be able to play. 

This week wasn't as hectic and a lot more time to crochet my orders. I'm sure I'll get them all done by second week of December. I'll have pictures when I'm done. Every little character is a bit different. 

WII bowling on Monday and Wednesday was a bit on the low side score, so another gal and I practiced for an hour or two on Friday when no one was around. I can't say it did much good, but we had a good time trying different areas on where to throw the ball, just like a real game. 

As we were playing on Monday I hit my thumb on the chair. I'm lazy and it hurts to keep getting up and down with my knees that's why I was sitting. Now I have a black/red thumb. 

When I got home from cards on Wednesday, there was a lot of commotion outside and I heard the bear horn. I ran out just in time to see a big bear walk that had gone by my back door and into the woods. The guard and one of the guys from office was out chasing it. I just want a picture, not a bear hug. 
I watched the Macy's parade on Thursday morning. The O'Fallon band was there again this year. I went with our son as a chaperon for the band several years ago and it still brings tears thinking back on it. I loved going on trips with the boys.  I love that the band is still good enough to be chosen to go. 
Thanksgiving was different this year. No family and No Jim, but three of us decided to go to Golden Corral for dinner. We got there at 1:00 and the line was all the way behind the building. Some guy that was leaving said the line was fast and to wait. He was right, we were in the door in 18 minutes. We got sat down almost immediately. We went thru the food line a couple times and out in an hour. 
Line outside and inside. 
Perfect meal, lima beans, and mushrooms, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole and ham to top it off is pecan pie.
Patsy and Ellen 
Friday a group of us decorated the lounge. We chose Old Fashion Christmas for the theme. The military personnel  comes around to each village to judge the trees the middle of December. It's a $25 for the winner. We had a good time getting it done and it didn't take long with all of us.  If you click on the photo to enlarge, there's strands of popcorn and cranberries. That brought back memories. 
Remember making the paper rings as a kid? Yep that's on around the windows and tree. 

Old time ornaments
Our decorating group
It takes a village. 

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

I like that container for the decorations. What a great idea.

Nice Warmup - Volunteering - Acupunture

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 75  Lo  48) The weather has warmed up, in fact today (Friday) we had thunderstorms. The snow was finally gone after 4 da...