Saturday, May 20, 2023

Dementia Class - Important Scam to Know About - Indoor Shuffle Board - Darts

 Shalimar, FL (84  Lo 74)

This place is absolutely amazing.  I still have no complaints. There's things not getting done, like my front patio sliding doors have a fog look to them which is driving me nuts. It's something to do with the seals being broken. The backlog is three to six months. It's really aggravating so much has been back logged since Covid. 

I am learning so much in our dementia classes. They're once a month and it's great to know what to watch for in ourselves and others. I have a lot of paperwork this time from the over 70 dementia problems of the brain. Every month is something new to know about. Most of our info is from Teepa Snow. Here's where to find her videos to learn more. 


I play cards every night, which gives me something to do in the evenings. I won once this week. The game is called 31 and it's with six dimes a night. It's not breaking the bank and fun. 

Another thing I pass the time with when I'm home is watching videos with a group that's trying to catch scammers. I've learned so much on how scammers work and what to watch for to protect myself. I've changed all my passwords and getting more alert on what can happen on the phone and PC. I got the Microsoft scam this week. It comes up with a big warning that says don't turn off your PC you have been hacked then has a number to call to take care of it. NOT!!!.  Just unplug and turn it off wait 15 minutes before turning on again. It scares you to death at first. Check out this video on what this group is doing to help catch the scammers. 

scammer info:

I had my first meeting with indoor shuffle board and darts. In shuffle board there were 14 signed up and 4 showed up. In darts there were 21 signed up and 18 came. We had 4 pros that used to teach darts, so it was fun to learn and get ideas from them. I'm hoping people show up every week, but at least I'm trying to give them competition or something to get them out of the apartments. 

                                                     Indoor Shuffle Board

Two dart boards so we can do teams at same time. 
We have a resident turtle that roams the campus. It's in different yards all the time and we'll get word on where it is during the week. 
We also have a fox, and bear that's around but no pictures yet. We have a cement type tables and benches on our patio outside the lounge that's been here since the place was built. One gal told me the name of Bob Hope Village is in the tiles. It's really neat!  There's benches throughout the campus that have names on them. See the words Bob Hope Village?
Every day and evening we sit outside. The weather is so perfect.  This is a lot of our village one. 


Phyllis said...

A busy life you lead. Good for you friend.

Susan said...

WOW you hit a homerun finding this place to reside! So glad they have enough to keep you busy, it helps keep the mind young!

Walk in the Woods - St. Patrick's Party - Council - Sip and Paint

 Shalimar, Fl   (Hi 71  Lo 51) Jim Morris, a resident here, sent me these pictures this morning!  I love them. (Click on the photos to enlar...