Friday, July 19, 2024

Everything Hits in Third Week

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  87   Lo 79)

The third week of the month is more activities then the rest of the month. I started out on Monday trying to get hold of the legal office on base. This is week four calling every Monday to get the will redone. They were down to one phone and by the time I finally got them to answer the appointment times were full. I'll try again next week. grrrr

I took a neighbor to the airport at 11:00, I decided I had just enough time to get groceries but didn't realize the traffic would be absurd. I got what I needed and back home just in time to put the cold stuff in freezer and head to dementia class. I was the only one there and the leader was out and about so that was cancelled. I had only grabbed a breakfast bar for lunch so that gave me time to have more of a lunch. At 2:00 I went to the cruise meeting. I'm going to Cozumel and Belize in November and this was a meeting to pay final payment and get details. I got that all done, home by dinner time but in the meantime I was waiting for the Cox cable company to get the internet fixed. I'm paying extra then the rest of the residents so I wanted it fixed. One of the managers came out and put in a booster and reset something (have no idea what he set) and now I should have internet without losing it. I was in two zooms for the evening. Nice day of really being busy. 

Tuesday was normal. I went to diamond art, a couple more Tuesdays I'll have the Book of life picture done. Meditation was next then home for a couple hours then played cards. 

Wednesday I went to a vita health class on how to eat/make meals for one person. The lady lived alone so she told us how she does it. Basically, she works and doesn't eat like someone like us that need good balanced meals. She gave us several tips on what to do and where to go. From there I had cards in another village, left early to get to resident council. That went really well this month. I had enough time to get a meal then to cards that I play every night. 

Thursday was quiet time and I cleaned up the apartment, crocheted a couple more gnomes and worked on the penguin puzzle in the lounge. Again cards in the evening and zoom every night.  Bumble and Honey bees.

Friday they had prom, but I didn't go. I didn't go to the high school prom and I hate dressing up. I did check to see what they did for decorations. 

We've had a wild storm this week with lots of wind, rain and lightning. We're in storm season, so far no hurricanes.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Crunch Time - Signing of Deed

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 94   Lo  76) 

I'm busy with activities and getting behind on making crochet items for the August 17 craft fair. I did inventory and took picture of everything made so far. Goal is 120 items I have about 50 so far. Here's my items so far. (Click on photo to enlarge). I sold one by just displaying them, that gives me hope they'll go fast. I already have two of each group sold. The lady ordered them a long time ago and gave me the ideas on what to make. 

I finished this last night but not sure if I'll make another just like it. It needs some changing. That's the beauty of making anything, you can change or take it apart easily and start over. 
This is a close up of the Valentines. 
I'll sell for $5 apiece and the ones with mates are $8.  (Males and females)
I thought I'd try out the bike tour machine in the gym. You sign up and use hand buttons to go around a race track. It was hard to learn, but I finally got the hang of it. I'll get over maybe twice a week to do it. It sure beats the boredom of just being on a bike.
The whole weekend the cable was out and internet and the phones don't work well without the internet so there were a lot of people without something to watch. It's too hot to be outside so there were more people in the lounge and commons. (The main building for all activities). We finally had it all back by Tuesday. I put a puzzle in the lounge (and laundry) to do for fun. So far three of us are working on the one in the lounge and another couple people in the laundry. We have only put together  about 10 pieces in working a few hours a day since July 5. Not sure how long we'll keep it going. It's quite a challenge.
I played shuffleboard with one of the gals on Thursday.   I also did the diamond art, (almost done with the book of life), I had meditation, massage and chiropractor appointment were all Tuesday. Cards all day on Wednesday.  

Friday was very interesting.  Background to the Deed signing Ceremony. The CEO of our village is adding Victory Village across from us for aging wounded warriors. It's a nonprofit veteran senior living community with resources and services tailored to meet the financial, physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs of its residents. This blended community will be comprised of wounded warriors and their caregivers, the surviving spouses of retired enlisted Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and guardians, and retired enlisted couples.  The link  Victory Village.  This should have been done years ago.  The deed is from Eglin AFB and is 80 acres. A few pictures. It was great to see service people in uniform. I miss that. 
This is General James C. Slife USAF Vice Chief of Staff
The signing was (left to right) Dr. Ravi Chaudhary
USAF Assistant Secretary for Energy, Installations, and Environment
General James C. Slife
USAF Vice Chief of Staff
Brooke McLean
Air Force Enlisted Village President and CEO
It was a great ceremony and I'll be here when it's all built.
Our area is the building that look like spokes middle bottom. 
The reception was after the signing.

I have nothing planned for the weekend, but I'm sure it will be filled for next week's blog.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Atlantic is Already Active - July 4th Party - First Meeting - BIG NEWS

 Shalimar, FL     (Hi 92    Lo 79)   Humidity high 70's

There's already been 2 named storms in the Atlantic. There's one more roaming around which may develop next week. The Grenada Islands, and Jamaica were hit this week. I'm posting this because I read back on hurricanes at a later date.

Monday:  I watched live video cams from Grenada, St. Lucia and Barbados. I watch cams of a lot storms with hurricanes and tropical storms, at least till the power goes off where they're located. This year there's a lot more individuals holding up phones and putting live shots on and TicTok. It's been a great week of watching everything possible while crocheting. Well, I should say watching in-between the activities of the week.  I found a youtube video on the first views of  Carriacou, Grenada.  Check it out here   Very few houses are without damage. That looks like a beautiful place to live, till you're hit with a hurricane. 

Thursday was July 4th and we had 40 people signup for lunch. It was too hot outside to sit, so we put everyone in the Village one lounge. Quite a few didn't show up, so we had plenty of seats. Great food and I met a few new people that's in our village that I've never seen. All parties are about the food. (Click on photos to enlarge)

                                                            Great apple pie!



I think half the residents went home and had a nap. I did some visiting with a family that came to visit a friend of mine. Then it was time for cards (and another piece of pie).

The fireworks started about 8:00 and they were all around us. We have tons of trees, but a few went above them. It was a great hot humid night, but what I could see were neat, more color and booms from past years. 

Friday was busy.  Activities meeting was at 10:30. There's long list of things going on this month. I came home had lunch and went to sip and paint mid afternoon. Here's the results. (Click photos to enlarge).

and mine
Saturday:  My first monthly meeting for the village went well. I was very prepared and everything was written down. If you know me, I don't do well in front of a "group" of people. I know all these gals which makes it worse but I did ok. I'll get more comfortable the more I do it. I bring the news from the council meetings and activities to the group, they in turn give me problems in the village and I take it back to management. 

I got a call from grandson, Kyle.  They're going to have a baby in January!!!!  I'm going to be a GREAT GRANDMA!!!!!!!

This next week will be fun and a little different. Stay tuned.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Last of Appointments - Family News - DNA - Water

 Shalimar, FL    (Hi  88  Lo  76)

Most of the week was continuing medical for the year. It was a good week in that regard. The dermatologist found two spots to freeze on the side of my face,  but the rest of the body is in good shape and only age spots. Another proof I'm getting up in age. The massage and chiropractor was on Thursday. My neck is better but shoulders are tight. Dr says a good machine to use is the rowing one at the gym. I'll make a point to get there for a workout. 

The laundry room has been needing attention for a couple years. One of our residents talked to maintenance and they started working on it on Monday and finished on Wednesday. It looks great and all in white. It looks like a surgical room with washing and drying machine. 

I ordered a DNA kit a month ago and the results came in on Thursday. I didn't ask for the ancestry, but they sent an overall for past 16 generations. I'm mainly from Europe, but there were a lot of other countries it picked out. When you think of it, we're all from Adam and Eve so it's not surprising to have everyone connected in someway. The health charts were perfect fit except three of them. It covers a lot so it took hours to go thru it all. I'm pleased with what result I have to follow for food intake. I'm glad I ordered it. 

Thursday night I got news that my sister-in law died. She's Jim's younger sister and it was a shock for the whole family. Sharon will be missed and we're thinking of the loss in the family.  Alberta, Sharon's  mom died a few years ago, then Jim and now younger sister. Robin and Johnny are the siblings still with us. RIP Sharon.

Friday morning I saw water bubbling up under our tree out front of my door. I didn't think much about it at first it had been raining, but this was fast moving. I did a few things then went back out and it was still running, so I contacted maintenance. They came right out and it was a broken water line. It took the next few hours to take down the tree and repair the pipe. It was interesting how much the roots had grown and disabled the waterline. 
See the dirty area going to the right from the tree, that's mud and flowing water.
The whole maintenance team came to help.
All done
Water was back on and we were back in action before 1:00. Great job guys!!!

I have the July schedule and it filled up my calendar. It's going to be a very busy month, and I'll pass it on to you readers. Thanks for sticking with me1.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Appointments - Crochet Gnomes

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 94   Lo 76)

June is my birthday month and like a lot of people I make all my yearly appointment if possible in June. This week was the beginning and Monday was my physical. I shouldn't call it physical because nothing gets checks anymore except maybe hear the heart. I wanted to try something the past three months to see just how much food is the cause of so many things in the body. I ate anything I wanted, as much and when I wanted. My A1C was something of concern,  I have been at 6.1 a long time and this month it was 7.2. Doc checked the other blood readings and said nothing was so far out of whack to continue what I'm doing, being so close to 80 nothing to worry about. I'm off and running for a fun life of eating moderately. I won't have to feel hungry all the time. I'll be careful and not go overboard, but if I want some ice cream, I'll have it.  Monday was also another class for dementia. This one was great on how the brain looks from two people at 70 with a normal brain and one with Alzheimer's. To watch a series on dementia click here or search Teepa Snow.

The hurricane season has started and it looks like it may be a dozy. On that note Frank, our older son is on the way to Cozumel this weekend. Alberto is already a named storm and stirring up the waters.  I can't wait to hear from him about the trip.  

Tuesday: Is a normal day. I went to diamond art group still working on the book and tree. I'll post when done, maybe another couple weeks. Meditation is right behind the class so I stay in the same room. 

Wednesday: It was Juneteeth, a Federal holiday, no mail. There were so many people going to the mailbox not knowing there would be no mail. They were blaming the mailman again. I played all afternoon hand, knee and foot card game. We had a lot playing this week, so it was a lot of fun hearing all the things going on with everyone. 

Thursday: Another appointment, this time eyes. I have dry itchy eyes, but she said it was mostly allergies but told me to get drops at the drug store. She dilated my eyes and I made it back home, but sure wasn't easy. I'm glad the doctor is only a couple miles away. Since I couldn't see very well I just watched TV till card playing about 5:30. At least I could see the cards. 

Friday: I was thinking I didn't have anything going on except get the eye drops. I got up in time to get a  knock on the door which was the honey doers from the base. I needed help with yard cleanup and two guys did a great job. I'm sure happy to have them. We fill out a sheet for what we need and once a month they usually come out. My yard is spiffy again. The main thing is bark from the trees. It blows off and goes everywhere, plus lots of weeds to pull in front and in back. I'm very thankful the guys are willing to help us.

I have finished all the graduate gnomes. Here's the group of them ready to sell August 17, Saturday from 8:00 to 4:00. The date is now set. I'm so excited, 

I have two of the New Year's eve gnomes done and working on six more. 

Thanks for coming in. I didn't have many pictures this week. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Back to Normal - Guitar

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi  92  Lo 73) ahhhh that's better

This week has been a whirlwind!  I chilled out on Monday, unpacking and catching up on what's going on in the community. There were two that passed in Village one and another of our gals lost a daughter in another state. Don't tell me things don't run in threes. Condolences to the families. 

Tuesday: I went to diamond art group. It's not a class but a gab session with others doing the same thing. I love it. There's something in common with all the groups I'm in. I now have two pictures started and working on them both on Tuesdays. I still have four to do, so I'm not ordering any more for awhile. I stayed another hour to join the meditation group. Another favorite group I love attending.

Wednesday: Hand, knee and foot card game. We had three tables this time. Lots of people to talk to and be with. It's usually 3:30 or later, then I have enough time to eat and get to the nightly card game of 31. We've been sitting outside nightly till the bugs get too aggressive. There's been a sighting of a cub bear since I was gone but not seeing mamma bear. She's around if the cub is, that's for sure. I haven't seen any animals lately.

Thursday:  I practiced WII bowling with another gal. I'm glad it wasn't a real game. It was a bad three games. I think we'll do a practice weekly. 

Friday: I worked with one of the gals on their PC. She had a thumb drive with lots of pictures and I moved them to photos in the cloud. I also did a clean disk and her PC now is so much faster. I love helping with computer stuff. I'm still learning as I go finding out how to do something that someone needs. It hasn't been anything major.

The Luau was tonight. They decorated the dining area and it's really pretty. I didn't sign up. I can't dance (bad knees) so I didn't want to go. 

Saturday morning I practiced the guitar. Frank went to the music store while I was there and I got finger tip protectors. I can't play the guitar with sore fingers because crocheting is impossible if sore. I don't get rid of the soreness for a few days. I played over and hour and fingers are fine. That's a game changer. I hope to practice daily maybe I can eventually remember what I've done and learn the strings.

One of the people on nightly chat had this on the screen background. It's so cute. I changed out E key on my keyboard. It had a whole in it I do so much typing. The E is the most used. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Time with Sons - My Birthday - Graduation Party

 Aurora, IL  (Hi 77  Lo  56)   Range of temps this week 85 high 55 low

I'm not doing the blog by days this time!  One reason the days have all run together and it's been a whirlwind of fun and learning. 

I'm with the younger son, Rick and he's a computer consultant so he's been working this week on an upgrade to the computer systems for work. Yes, that means long hours and of course an upgrade is never what you expect would go right the first time through, so a couple days were very hectic. I knew that so was prepared for downtime learning more from him on my own computer. Setting up for my future of getting older was in the works. 

We did go for some sushi for dinner one night. That's quite a different experience. I loved some of it and not so much on the others, but there were a lot of choices. (Click on the photos to enlarge)

Rick and son Jack
Appetizers Squid and veggie strips
Grab lagoon
And the main entrée, lots of good sushi

Back at Tammy's, Ramsey was waiting for us.

He gives lots of kisses to Jack
I did a lot of cleaning up my computer files and organization. I also worked on diamond art which I brought with me. The time has flown by, the weather has been perfect. It was supposed to rain but hasn't so far. 

I'm now a year older, getting closer to 80. Jim loved to celebrate my birthday and for many years we always got a lobster for my birthday. Rick is carrying on the tradition. He got me flowers and later we went for lobster dinner with Tammy, his girlfriend.
This is year is 32 years that I've had a lobster for my birthday. Jim started the tradition and all but a couple times (Covid for one) I've stuck to it. It's usually at Red Lobster and there was one in town so we headed that way. I ordered a one pound and half lobster the waitress came back later and said they ran out and I'd be getting a three pound and half for same price. ALL RIGHT! It took 45 minutes to eat and it was done very well. This one was a monster. (Click on the photo to enlarge)
Thank you Tammy and Rick for a wonderful dinner.
Jack's graduation party was a huge success. I took several pictures but I'll put only the overall pictures.
The party was at the clubhouse near where Rick and Tammy live. We went early to decorate. Kendra Jack's mom did a wonderful job on picking the decorations and putting them out. We all pitched in to get it done before noon. 
There were fun type games on each table.
Sports that Jack was involved in high school.
It's all about the food

75 people were invited and there were only a few that didn't show.
Kendal, Kyle, and Holly were telling Jack about college life. Jack just put up his hands as I took the picture as if to say, "you've got to be kidding". 
It poured rain the only time of my visit when we were ready to leave the party. We got wet putting things in the cars and clear out the clubhouse. Frank, Angie and Kendall came up for the graduation and I went back with them to their place to catch the plane back home on Sunday.  We took family photos before we left. 

                                  All three grandsons. Kyle, Dee, Jack and Kendall
The whole family. Frank and Angie, Kyle and Holly, Jack, Dee, Kendall, Tammy and Rick
                                                                        Tammy's son Luke 
                                                                    And Evan with Rick
Some last views of the family time.  Rick and Ramsey
                            Tammy's shoes are something to post about.  I love the butterflies. 
Rick did the Eiffel Tower in Lego's. It's got different lights and is beautiful.
and underneath it
I'm now back home. I'm tired but it was one great visit. Thank you to all. I did see a huge brush fire just before landing. If it's something out of the ordinary I hope to find out tomorrow. Thanks for following.

Everything Hits in Third Week

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  87   Lo 79) The third week of the month is more activities then the rest of the month. I started out on Monday trying t...