Saturday, November 4, 2023

Halloween - Hand and Foot - POWWOW

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 76  Lo 55)  A couple days in the Low 40's and high 56)

This was a busy week because it was Halloween we celebrated two days in a row.  I'll do a day by day again so I can show the schedule better. I barely had time to eat between activities and I'm thrilled to be this busy. It keeps me out of trouble, (sorta of). 

Monday: WII bowling was first at 11:30. I sleep in till about 9:30 on Monday's. I was told  there was a hand and foot group that meet at 1:00 in another building and they wanted me as a substitute,  so I went over to join them.  It didn't take me long to pick it up from not playing since 2020 when I stopped playing because of Covid. They played it pretty much like I did. It took about three and half hours so I could catch on.  I got home to get a bite to eat then over to the main area (commons) to be in the Halloween-wine night. They did story telling, and also started a spooky story and each of us added to it. They had a couple fire pits which was nice because it did get chilly. (Click on the pictures to enlarge). 

A lot of people were dressed up in management and this is Sharon. What a costume, several people didn't know her. 

Debbie was the one that came up with the idea to activities. I hope we do it next year, 

The whole group
It went into the night (actually only 7:00)
I got home and was on my Monday night zoom with the gals from GBM group. I'm on every Monday night, that's at 7:00. Whew, full day. 

Tuesday:  We still do diamond art on Tuesday. There's several of us that are still working on the pictures from a month or so ago, but I finally finished mine. I'll put it in a frame and on the bedroom wall. This week I'll start another one.       Dee, Debbie and Patty
                                                It's finished!
We normally leave about noon and I grabbed lunch, went back to the commons for meditation at 1:00. That was over by 2:00. We had a group picture taken with hats from Cathy. She's the good witch of the East. 
Starting in back, Dee, Rosetta, Ronnie, Front: Cathy, Judy, Lois, Rita
I had time to make a snack for the Halloween get together in our village which several gals attended even though it was quite chilly. We had our own story telling and wine and food. Yes, I did dress up on both nights. 
Wednesday: WII bowling is at 10:00.  It's over usually by 11:30 and I wanted to check out another village that I had heard had hand and foot but played it differently. They play Hand, knee and foot. I wanted to see how they did that and the rules, they had a player missing so I sat in and learned how they play. It was great to learn the differences and we had a great time. I'll be on their team weekly as with the Monday, I'm a substitute. It was over by 4:00 and I got home in time to get a bite to eat, then play cards at my village which is every night except Friday and Saturday.  

Thursday: I thought I'd sleep in a bit, but my neighbor called and asked if I was going to activities meeting. Ooops, I didn't have it in the calendar on the phone so forgot. I hurried and got ready for the 10:00 meeting then got something to eat to get over to another building for crochet group. I got the little dogs done that a lady wanted and she was there. This one was challenging, I only had the faces of the dogs, but she was pleased. 
I had three people that wanted to play indoor shuffleboard so I went back to the commons by 2:30 to play with them. That's a simple game that the gals can play. There's a couple that can sit and do it. We normally play an hour.  I finished that at 4, got something to eat and played cards. Still too cold to sit outside for very long, so home by 7:00

Friday:  I slept in a little later, but when I did get up one of the gals here called to ask if I could get her computer to come up. I went down to see what was going on but she had no wifi. It's bad in our building, they're trying to get it up going and everyone pays for it in the rent (I don't, I have my own thru the company). They're rewiring everyone's wifi so some have it and some don't. She came down to use my Wifi for the business she had to get done.  I got some lunch and went to play darts.  I had the afternoon free so I finished some of the little details I wanted to get done.

I took down the wreath I had with my little crochet animals and put them on two pine cones. It looks a lot better and put little gnomes in between them on the outside window sill. 
 No cards, I'm on zoom with North Carolina friends on Friday nights. 

Saturday: I had a village meeting at 10:00. Discussions on what to do for Christmas and Thanksgiving. Three of us left as soon as it was over to get to Niceville for the Indian Pow Wow. I love those and I dragged Jim to a few of them. I was happy to have Lois and Debbie go with me. They love it too. 
I won't bore you with all the pictures, but here's a few.  It's called the Thunderbird Intertribal Powwow, this is year 35. 

I love dream catchers

Second favorite is drums. I used to have a floor drum. 

The competition dancers

This man gave a presentation from Eglin AFB
This lady was under the competition as original dress
If you're interested in videos and more pictures I have shared an album, just click on the link. 

I got home in time to go to Happy hour, (social hour) and had great laughs. 
Now to get used to the new time as the clocks are set back an hour tonight. When will this stop. It's not needed any longer. 

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 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...