Friday, November 10, 2023

New Door - Movie - Gnomes - Bear

 Shalimar, Fl  (Hi 74   Lo  65)

 The time change is still upsetting my wake up and meal time. I'll have to vent a bit. Arizona nor Hawaii changes time. Florida a few years ago voted by high percentage NOT to have the time changed. The Congress passed it the Senate shot it down. I'm trying to figure out why and what as citizens that vote for something with majority that it doesn't happen. We all complain, but no one does anything about it.  If we can all get on the band wagon and complain to whoever (our state representatives? maybe we can get it done.

This week was a bit quieter. I  stayed busy and had more time to get crocheting orders done, This one turned out cute, lady bug.  (Click on photos to enlarge). 

Monday: I played WII bowling. I'm  still just below my average but it's nothing major to have to keep the score up. I got a call when I left bowling from another village that needed a sub in hand and foot. I played with them for a couple hours. While we were playing we took a few minutes to go to ice cream social and brought it back to the lounge and continued playing.  

Tuesday: I had two things I could do at the same time. That doesn't happen often but I had made arrangements to see the move "After Life" with a couple other gals a couple weeks ago and we wanted to see it before it left the theatre. We were glad we went, it was a documentary on death and people with NDE's (near death experience). It was well done.  

Wednesday: I had WII bowling in the morning, then played hand and foot in another village. I'll be going to this group weekly. They play it a lot different, but I'll get the hang of it eventually. It's great to get to know other people in the other villages. We also had a "Mash BBQ" which was really good. They had the shows of Mash on the big screen while we ate. There was BBQ with sidesof potato salad, baked beans, roll and two cookies. 

I also got my new front door. The screen broke in September but too hot to leave it open so I just waited to see how long it would take to get it. I finally reminded maintenance and they put it in. Now I have air going from front to back in the apartment. 

Thursday:  I went to the crochet group. We're so intent on what we're doing sometimes it's very quiet. If there's any questions on how to crochet or knit someone can help. I really enjoy the time with them. 
At 2:00 I always leave to go to indoor shuffleboard. Two gals come to play and they both love it. I keep thinking there would be more but they don't show up. Everyone stays busy if they want to and others you never see around. Great place to live, you do your own thing. 

Friday: I had a couple calls from friends which is always nice to hear from so that was my morning. At 1:00 I played darts. I got three darts in the 25 point ring, why didn't they go in the middle for 50 points. lol 
Patrick has been my main partner in darts, we also played pool. He's good at everything, but I can most of the time keep up and be a very close second. 

This was sent to me from a friend. It's a great idea for table setting if anyone is interested. 

I haven't mentioned the HelloFresh meals lately, so thought I'd give you an update. I love everyone of them so far. I make up the meals for four as suggested and sometimes I get all four out of it and sometimes it's so good I eat enough for 2 people It's portioned controlled so you don't over eat. I've gained three pounds since I started them. That's the first time I've gained weight since Jim died. Here's a couple meals that I "over ate" but still had enough to put in the freezer for those times I don't have time to fix the meal. It has taken me 30 minutes to prepare so still on my time frame for being in the kitchen. 

One more thing I'll catch you up on is the gnomes. I have my patio garden done for the gnomes. The gals are giving me gnomes which are so cute. I even got a coloring book with gnomes. 

This is the picture of our bear that roams around the village. 
That brings you up to date for this week. Let's see what I can do for next week. 

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

I had gone back to Hello Fresh. I like the selection and the meals. But I stopped again after 4 weeks. I have a chest freezer full of meats along with my side by side freezer. It's time I use up some. I am sure I will go back to ordering at some point. Glad it works for you.

New Temperatures - Bowling Party - California Fires

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 50   Lo 37) The week started out weather wise with tornadoes, then cold and hard frost back to warm and windy now more st...