Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Re-arranging the Cabinets for Travel

I love retirement, have I mentioned that before? I keep thinking I have to do this or that and be ready for work in the morning, nope, not so. I've paid my dues, time to kick back.

I chatted with an RV-Dreamer, Deb, this morning for a bit before she left to move to another park. It's fun following the blogs and see where people are going and how long they stay. I also signed us up for the Escapees Rally in September. They have great classes and we're members and would like to meet other members in person. We follow the blogs of a few of them and the forum. The more people you meet the more fun it is to meet up at other parks.

I read several blogs but my main interest today was to get the cabinets and cupboards re-arranged to be sure they don't move much on our trip east this weekend. Jim has a really bad cold so he came home real early and slept some this afternoon. He'll be getting over the cold and I'll probably get it and be miserable on the trip. At least I'll have my own bed. We were talking about what we had to pack for the weekend, then realized we can take everything with us without packing the truck.

I got caught up on the history channel today with the 1938 hurricane in the Northeast. I love anything to do with weather and that was a great show on what happened.

I'm still working finding campgrounds on the way to Texas. I checked Street Atlas and had it find campgrounds along the way. Some were the ones I've already searched for and there were several new ones. This is really fun to do.

Only 28 days left to head to Texas


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

What route are you taking? I could give you some ideas if you take any of the same roads that we usually take.

Speedy said...

Planning the trip is half the fun. Don't put to much count in your planned stays unless you have heard something from someone that has been there. It will save you a lot of disapointment...If you know what I mean

Teri & Mark said...

Read several of your recent posts and I get the idea you really like retirement. Well, my hub and I are looking forward to it also but it's still a few yrs. down the road. Right now we're running an RV Park (Hidden Valley) near San Antonio. Maybe we'll get to meet as you get nearer to TX. Happy travels.

Easy Going Week - Birthday Party - Tornado Outbreak

 Sharlimar, FL   (Hi 78 Lo 66) It was a normal quieter week than last week. The normal schedule was Wii bowling Monday and Wednesday morning...