Friday, January 6, 2023

Friend Needs Assistance - It's Happening!

Shiloh, IL  (Hi  46  Lo 34)

New Year's Eve started off with a bang, in more than one way!  My friend, Ruth called and said she needed a ride to ER. I picked her up a few minutes later and got to the hospital. There were only a couple people waiting so we got in about half hour later. They did a bunch of tests then we waited for the results. We got there at 4:45, she was admitted by 6:00.  There were no rooms open so she was staying in ER for the night. I came home but went back on Sunday to be with her. She had gallstones and one blocked the opening to the pancreas. I learned a lot the next few days on what happens. She had first surgery to remove gallbladder and the next day she went under again to remove the stone. She's home by Thursday evening and doing fine. That was scary. 

The BIG NEWS is:  I'm finally moving back to Florida. I put in a request to the Bob Hope Village for widows/widowers and retired military back in August. They said it would be four months to a year to wait for a one bedroom place. I figured I had about a year so didn't mention it on the blog. On December 27 the call came in asking if I still wanted it. Of COURSE!. That's a great Christmas Gift.  Now I know why all the doors shut when I was looking anywhere in Florida for a place. This is by Destin Beach in the Florida Panhandle and you can check it out online.  It's perfect in every way. I'll be one of the younger people there. There's  ladies there over 100. It's a very active community and they have a lot of activities plus a guard at the gate. It can't get any better. My building is the bottom left. 

I worked all day Friday to setup the electric, and get car insurance new address. Frank and I will go Saturday to order a truck and both boys are helping me move down on March 1. We have to wait for March because of working schedules of the boys and I had to give a 60 day notice where I am, so it will work out. Maybe no snow by that time to worry about. I'll be posting the process of moving an old lady to retirement place. I'm so excited. 

In the meantime I still have a few crochet orders to do. So here's this week's "critters". Click on the photos to enlarge. The gnome is my own creation. I normally put them with a ruler the gnome is 5 inches tall. 

The weather hasn't been bad this week and even had a couple sun shiny days. I have two months to pack but I'll do a bit at a time so I can stay ahead of it. My back will love me for that I'm sure. 

I'm continuing the blog. I was thinking of dropping it this year, but I go back to look things up all the time. I may even go to more then once a week now that my life will be active again. I won't be sitting around like I do here. There will be more to do, warmer weather to get out more and people to do things with in sunny Florida.  


Anonymous said...

Glad for you. I can feel your excitement. Look out Florida, here she comes! Phyllis E.

JB said...

Great news, we were just thinking Dee needs to ditch the cold and get back in the sunbelt.

Anonymous said...

So proud of you! And I told you! Lol

Anonymous said...


owensontheroad said...

Congratulations!! I'm sure you're going to be happier there with lots of other residents to do things with. You'll miss your kids, but Florida is a great place to visit 😀

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope you don't regret it because I would love to be closer to my kids now.

Miriam Morris said...

I am so excited for you!! That is wonderful news, Dee.
I hope your friend recovers quickly.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you, Dee.

Anonymous said...

Dee, Congratulations Sweetheart! I know you will be happier with warmer weather!!! The winters up here in Western New York really stink!!!! The only things that keep me here are my handicapped sister up in Watertown and also Dominic.
The Best of Luck to you!!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Congratulations! The Florida place sounds awesome, we cannot wait to read all about it in your upcoming posts.

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...