Saturday, January 18, 2025

California Fires Continuing - Changes

 Shalimar, FL (Hi 70  Lo 47)  Humid and warm with freezing weather coming big changes

The fires in California are still going on. I hope they're out soon with the cold front coming in this week with possibility of rain for them.  

I did some changes in my routine or activities. I'm changing it up a bit. I'm not one to stay with the same things very long unless I really love it when I can make changes, which is crocheting and hand and foot card game along with 31 cards that we play nightly. I don't intend to make any changes. 

I dropped shuffleboard on Friday's to go to ukulele classes, at least for the time being. I've been to three classes and know three songs. I just have to get faster.  We did a session last Sunday on the ukulele then again on Friday. We're meeting twice a week if possible. 

Monday I went to the Emerald Coast music program. They were here last year. I love that group they're, amazing. They play at Carnegie Hall and are big time musicians. I haven't heard of a bassoon player but this gal was fantastic. (Click on the photos to enlarge). 

All these players make the instruments sing. They are fast and accurate. 
I've never seen a piano player play as fast as this guy. 
This is all students
Tuesday I had diamond art, then meditation discussing our topics for the year. I worked on a puzzle with Del awhile in the afternoon. We have a puzzle that was given to Del for Christmas from one of the gals. I'll take a picture when it's done, beach with palm trees with bunches of umbrellas. It's 1000 piece. I went back to play cards after dinner.  I also worked with a gals new phone Tracfone which wouldn't connect from the old phone to the new one. We've had trouble with Tracfone before, but she's trying to get away from expensive calls overseas to her family since they don't have whatsapp she wanted a cheaper way of calling without using the main stream calls that cost a lot. We never did get it connected, she sent back the phone. 

Wednesday  is hand and foot day, and this week was the residential meeting so I only played one game. There's not a whole lot going on, but still info to pass to the village on meeting day in February. 

Thursday was crochet get together. I wish I knew I needed help with a pattern while there but I didn't realize I was having trouble with the day of the dead doll pattern. The pattern is in another language and I can't figure out which one. It's the first time I'm very challenged on what to do, so next week I'll ask if anyone can tell me. She's so cute, but a lot bigger then I normally do and pattern isn't easy to follow. Work in progress.
While I'm on the crochet, this is what I did get done this week for an order. Still have 19 to go. I crochet from 8pm to at least 1am most nights. 
Pictures of the real dogs along with the made ones

Now it's Saturday morning and I have Hellofresh meals to make, and get to another gal. I also have to move a few things to prepare for my new windows and back door on Monday. Another busy day. 7

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

Cute dogs. I stopped Hello Fresh again. We have a chest freezer full. Time to plan meals around that!

Nice Warmup - Volunteering - Acupunture

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 75  Lo  48) The weather has warmed up, in fact today (Friday) we had thunderstorms. The snow was finally gone after 4 da...