Friday, January 10, 2025

New Temperatures - Bowling Party - California Fires

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 50   Lo 37)

The week started out weather wise with tornadoes, then cold and hard frost back to warm and windy now more storms and more frost. It's been interesting to say the least. It's snowing in the south more then usual, changes are going on, no doubt. I guess I get weather watching from my grandpa, it's something you can't do anything about which is nice. It's time to remember some things are not controllable. 

All over the community you see "little people". It's a good thing to keep blankets on hand for plants. (Click on photos to enlarge).

On with the week. Everyday from the first I've had a problem with something. First it was banking, they won't let any bills go thru and keep cancelling payments. I've made two calls and now watching to see if they quit doing that. Just trying to get a real person takes awhile. The next problem is the excel sheet for the new year. I finished off December but when I went to do January, all of the totals weren't there and I had to re-create December again. I have no idea what happened, but that took several hours. I'm glad I don't work in an office anymore, I keep doing crazy stuff and the memory is starting to freak me out in not realizing what I'm doing. Welcome to old age. 

Monday was nothing to do at least for now, bowling starts in two weeks. I worked on crochet projects and got another order done. 

Tuesday was diamond art and meditation. We did a survey on what we want to learn in 2025. There's lot's to learn and talk about. I went to cards in the evening and then a zoom class. Sometimes classes end up not being worth the money you pay, but still learn a little. 

Wednesday I had to get my meds and the doctor office said it was sent in December, the express scripts said they didn't have it. So round and round we go. I finally got them to give me the prescription, I think it's good. I played cards the rest of the day. Our bowling party was in early evening and they passed out certificates for highest team bowling and people that got 300's. There was one guy that got 900 series. I'd be happy with one 300 score. 

Thursday was the activities meeting and we have a busy month plus a lot in February.  I didn't go to crochet group today, I had a massage. It's been cold so the neck doesn't move and knees don't either. Between the massage and the chiropractor I'm moving better, at least for a couple weeks. I played cards in the evening. 

Friday it was pouring rain all day. I had nothing on the calendar except to help a gal with her new phone. They're making it easier to get a new phone loaded with info from old phone. It was done by the charging cable, except hers was the wrong cable so I used mine. It still took a couple hours to get it done, and now she has to wait maybe two working days to get it working right. At least they keep the old phone working till it updates to the new one. I worked on several things in the afternoon. The class for the ukulele is Sunday, so I did some more working on that. I worked on the NY puzzle  and of course working on crochet orders, still have 19 to go and then get ready for craft fair in August. I had the NC zoom in the evening and talked about snow this far south. It seems everyone has doctor appointments at least once a week. Again it's an age thing. 

The last few days I've been watching the news on the fires out in California. It's been horrible and I know a few gals out there in the area. I'm staying in contact with them daily. So far they've been ok.

To top off the week, does everyone or anyone talk to themselves  OUT LOUD to remind themselves of a task to do or  talk as if someone is listening?  I think I'm really losing it. That's totally a new thing lately. 

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

You're just now losing it? Girl, I lost it years ago.

Nice Warmup - Volunteering - Acupunture

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 75  Lo  48) The weather has warmed up, in fact today (Friday) we had thunderstorms. The snow was finally gone after 4 da...