Friday, January 24, 2025

New Windows - Cold Weather with SNOW?

 Shalimar, FL  (Lo  15  Hi  45)   This was basically all week

This was a wild week!!  It was predicted to be a very cold snowy week and it sure turned out that way. Florida made history!!!  

The new windows were put in on Monday. It was 22 degrees and they took out the bedroom and kitchen windows. It got cold in the apartment really fast. I turned off the furnace and I went to the lounge to keep warm. I worked on a puzzle and at 11:00 went to Wii bowling. The winter season has started. My first game was 199, that's the way to do it. It was cold in the building that has all the activities. It's an old heat pump system so didn't keep with the temperature.  (I learned later it wasn't even on)

 (Click on the photos to enlarge).             Patio doors before they started

                                            After they were put in. 
                            It brightens the whole apartment, and easier to open. I love them. 
Tuesday everything was cancelled. Snow was on the way. Schools closed, almost everyone in the office was off work and all activities were cancelled. The snow kept coming once it started. It was snowing by noon with a start of freezing rain. It snowed all night, the end result was 7 inches. We have no snowplows, the roads were very slick and I-10 was closed through most of the southern route. 

                                                That's blowing snow, not fog

                                            My gnomes were getting all covered up. 
                                                An orange tree covered in snow
                                           It was pretty, but very cold on Wednesday morning
                                                My car with ice under it.
                                            A drone shot from a stormchaser in Niceville, Fl exit to I-10.
                                           No one was moving, and a couple jackknifed trucks
                This was sent from our son, the warning was our area with the highest temperatures.
Wednesday was a nothing day. I caught up on some ukulele playing and writing out some finger style music for a song I want to learn finger picking not strumming. Also worked on puzzles in the lounge, making hellofresh meals, and playing games on computer. I can't do that every day, but it was nice to not go or do anything else. I still had my patio door to put in on Wednesday but no workers, no traffic on the roads all that changed on Thursday when  the guys were back to work and I had to be up early for them to put in the patio door. I went back to the lounge to stay warm, and at 1:00 I went to a brain seminar. She talked about how to keep the mind active. I played cards that evening and had some social time. 

Friday was fun day. I had sip and paint in the afternoon followed by ukulele class and got home just in time for the NC zoom.  This photo was this morning, (Tuesday was the storm and it's Friday).
                                  Sip and paint is always so fun. People do their own versions. There was a big group this time. 
                                                            This is mine
                                                          And a couple of others

I love all the youtube and facebook videos with the snow. Found one with an airboat in the snow in Louisiana. It's a hoot!  My neighbor made a cute snowman. It's perfect. 
                                     I'll see what I get into for next week, but hopefully there's no more snow.  

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

Our Snowfall has been around for weeks, but I can imagine the shock of having that in Florida.
Stay Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.

Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo 45)  This post is 3030.  This is the first day of March  and my anniversary of moving to Bob Hope Village is to...