Aurora, IL (Hi 60 Lo 48) Saturday to (Hi 88 to Lo 51)
Shalimar, FL (Hi 77 Lo 70)
Rick, our youngest son surprised me with airline tickets to go see him on Saturday 7th. We had a couple celebrations. Jim died September 8 and Rick's birthday was the 10th. Jim's birthday is the 22nd, so we rolled it all into one celebration.
The trip took me to Atlanta then to O'Hare. I requested a wheelchair so I didn't have to be stressed out in getting to the gate on time or find my way. I'm having trouble with both knees and my foot to walk a long distance. It was a very wise decision. I fly with Alligiant a lot, but the bigger planes have WIFI on board and movie screens on the back of the seats. Nice addition. I love flying. The connection was great and on time leaving and arriving in Atlanta. (Click on photos to enlarge).
When arriving in Chicago we went to Luke's football game. The first game of the season. He's Rick's girlfriends son and he's 10 yrs old. Ramsey (dog), Tammy and Rick. The wind was a bit chilly and I asked Rick to bring a blanket. It came in handy.
Luke is in there somewhere.
When we got to Rick's he has started a P1 Lego car. It's huge and thousands of pieces. There's gears that work, the pistons move and the wheels.
Sunday night was a celebration at Sullivan's steak house Rick's birthday which was Wednesday, but no time for going out to eat. We also honored Jim's death and birthday.
Dee, Rick, Tammy, Evan and Luke
Tomahawk steak
I chose stuffed crab shrimp 
Jim this is for you.
Tammy and I got brussel sprouts casserole, yummy
Cheesecake for Rick
Monday was back to work for Rick and Tammy. I crocheted. Great time to catch up on Christmas orders. I also ordered a wheelchair for the flights home. Technology is amazing. I found out I can watch my youtube videos on Rick's TV with a QR code. Love it. I made chicken and dumplings for dinner. It's a must when I come to Rick's.
I noticed the tree is turning colors. It won't be long snow will be flying in the north.
Tuesday was Rick's 49th birthday. He worked half the day so we talked and he worked on the Lego car for awhile. We went to
Top Golf for fun and dinner. (Click on the blue link). It's an amazing place. I didn't play, but the other four did. There's games you can play all computerized when you hit the ball it shows exactly how you hit it. There's a game called angry birds that you hit the ball and get the birds, just like the app. It's fun to watch/or play. All four of the family are golfers.
Evan is at the "plate", Rick and Tammy and Luke are checking what games to play.
The computer screen
Rick after a hit
The employees sang happy birthday to Rick.
It was a fun night, we went back to Tammy's and watched a bit of the presidential debate, then Rick opened gifts.
Wednesday I left for home. Hurricane Francine was coming into Louisiana. I had a flight about the same time it was arriving. I could only hope it wouldn't affect my travels. My flight out of Chicago was on time. Again, I got the wheelchair. I'm so glad I did. I had my own line for security so it was fast. The wheelchair guy was young and told me to take off my shoes. I told him at 76 you don't need to do that anymore, he was so apologetic, he thought I was 55 or late 50's. I tipped him extra. I was watching the flight to Florida but nothing changed. The Chicago flight landed about 5 minutes before the Florida flight started to board. My wheelchair gal was outside the plane door and she rushed me to the Florida gate. It was my first time in Dallas. Oh my, I would have never made that flight. She took me down elevator, to a tram and off we went. She was in out of people and got me to the gate 7 minutes before take off. That was close. She was from Egypt and hard to understand, but she was awesome in getting me there.

I have to say some of the seat partners were great. One was a surgeon, one was an insurance broker and one was connected to Eglin AFB and the right arm person to a two star General which was sitting behind us. I learned a lot from all three of them. I'm glad to be seated with people that have a lot of information.
Coming into Florida the cloud formations were amazing. Check these out.
It's been a long time in a bigger plane, but I went north on Delta and south in American airlines. Between those two, I like Delta. The employees are more friendly and helpful on Delta, the seats are a lot more comfortable and there's more leg room especially with a backpack under the seat. They both had WIFI, but Delta had the big tv screen without using your phone. The American flight had just the opposite of all that I listed. Both flights were on time, in fact they were both a few minutes early. They both had USB plugs both on floor and in the seat in front of me. This one was American that's the tray that holds the phone.
The flight was bumpy coming to Florida, but I've been in worse. No food the whole day. I was glad I ate at Rick's and I had breakfast bars on the plane with me. Never go anywhere without something to eat.
I got home about 8 and in bed by 9:45. I slept till 7:30 the next morning.
Thursday I got my normal household stuff done, like laundry. I had my monthly massage/chiropractor appointment and got organized for the upcoming week. It was hard getting up in the morning and not have anyone around.
Friday, I crocheted all day. I'll be doing that in my spare time. Christmas is getting close and the orders need to get done. I think I'll do ok. Here's two turtles.
And a real one that passed my door this afternoon. Good timing.
See you next week.
1 comment:
What a nice visit you had with your youngest son for his birthday.
Nice he sent you a ticket !
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