Saturday, August 31, 2024

Parties all Week - New WII System

Shalimar, FL  (HI   90   LO  73)

Sunday was cards in the afternoon and I went out to a Japanese restaurant, Okinawa to celebrate Rosie's birthday in the early evening.  It was really good and they had more food for the money then I had last time I tried a Japanese place. I'll go there again at some point. A hurricane drink that was tasted by Lu.

(Click on photos to enlarge).

                                                                          The food
                                                A volcano in a stack of onion rings
                                              Rosie is the birthday girl and Kathy to the right. 

                                                    John, Dee, Mickey, Lu, Rosie and Kathy

Monday was WII bowling.  I also bowl on Wednesday.  Monday the system was sluggish and the bowling just didn't work right, on Wednesday the management put in a new system and it made a huge difference. High score went from 152 to 212.  The only way to go is up.  I finished off the day with crocheting, cards and the GBM zoom. 

Tuesday I finished the diamond art picture that I started in June. I'll hang the pictures I make on the front door and rotate them. 

There were several people at the diamond art this week. 

I was the leader of meditation this week and it went well. There were fewer people, but it's a busy time around here. I played cards in the evening and worked on the puzzle.

Wednesday after WII bowling I had about 10 minutes to get to other village to play cards till 3:30. I had pizza in the lounge for a goodbye to John which has been here a couple months taking care of one of the apartments that has been vacated. He was with us playing cards and going to the Moose with the other gals. 


The card playing group having pizza
Thursday I went to crochet group. It's been awhile since I've been there so caught up with the gals. Vivian is leaving and going back to Oklahoma so we had a goodbye party for her. 
I left there about 2:40 to get to the commons area to play shuffleboard with a couple gals. then to cards. 

Friday I had a down day. I did a zoom in the morning, made some calls to catch up with family. Then crocheted and worked on the puzzle. This puzzle is coming along. This is what's been done so far since July 7th. There's several of us working on it. It's all penguins.
I had NC zoom with friends then crocheting till bedtime. 

Saturday was all crocheting, setting up for this next weeks activities and starting a new month.  I have to add I have a pet in the apartment somewhere. I got up at 3am a couple nights ago and there was a gecko on the wall near the floor in front of the washer. It didn't move and I wasn't about to chase it or catch it that early in the morning. I got up the next morning and it's gone and I haven't seen it since. I just have to remember not to yell out if I do see it unexpectedly. 

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