Friday, August 9, 2024

Hurricane Debbie - Dentist- Last Week Before Craft Fair

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi  97  Lo 72) 

The beginning of the week was hurricane Debbie that went east of us. We didn't get any rain or wind, too far west. We were all happy. There's three more systems that COULD become storms, but it's a wait and see. 

Monday:  I worked on puzzle and crochet. 

Tuesday:  I worked on the diamond art then meditation and puzzle. We have different organizations who help keep the grounds clean or work on different apartments on things like putting up pictures or pulling weeds. This week they did the common area grounds all 100+ kids from a school in three school buses. (Click on the photo to enlarge). They did a great job. 

Wednesday:  Cards all day. I love hand, knee and foot, which is harder then the just hand and foot. I play at other villages when they're missing someone. I'm glad I found players. After cards I went to the Moose for wings. I love those, they make them so well.  A couple other gals went but we didn't stay  late. 

Thursday: I changed it up a bit. I had another dentist appointment. I passed this time. No more infection in the gums, I have to continue the rinse and keep doing what I'm doing for the gums to stay healthy. I haven't done anything more then the rest of my life, so guess it's the rinse. I also went to Publix to pick up a sub sandwich and some groceries. I'm still making the Hellofresh meals, but wanted some different foods. Later in the evening they had several politicians here to give a talk and the people from the surroundings came in. I hear there was standing room only. I know the streets around the commons area was packed. 

Friday: I got up early, cleaned up the apartment. then helped a gal making boxes for her jewelry for next weekend's craft fair. I made little rings for the bottom of the gnomes. The gnomes tend to fall over if on a table so we made rings to help hold them up when people bump up against the table. 

While on gnomes. Here's four new ones. Hobos and travelers.

I'm going to be busy getting the last of the gnomes made and get everything ready for next Saturday. The blog will be done Saturday night next week, ready for you to read on Sunday morning with coffee/tea. 

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

I am thinking of going back to Hello Fresh again. Just can't make up my mind. I have a freezer full of fish, chicken, pork, beef. And we only eat home 4 nights a week. The other 3 it's at the Senior Centers. Hello Fresh is so easy. I don't to think "what do I make tonight".

Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...