Friday, July 19, 2024

Everything Hits in Third Week

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  87   Lo 79)

The third week of the month is more activities then the rest of the month. I started out on Monday trying to get hold of the legal office on base. This is week four calling every Monday to get the will redone. They were down to one phone and by the time I finally got them to answer the appointment times were full. I'll try again next week. grrrr

I took a neighbor to the airport at 11:00, I decided I had just enough time to get groceries but didn't realize the traffic would be absurd. I got what I needed and back home just in time to put the cold stuff in freezer and head to dementia class. I was the only one there and the leader was out and about so that was cancelled. I had only grabbed a breakfast bar for lunch so that gave me time to have more of a lunch. At 2:00 I went to the cruise meeting. I'm going to Cozumel and Belize in November and this was a meeting to pay final payment and get details. I got that all done, home by dinner time but in the meantime I was waiting for the Cox cable company to get the internet fixed. I'm paying extra then the rest of the residents so I wanted it fixed. One of the managers came out and put in a booster and reset something (have no idea what he set) and now I should have internet without losing it. I was in two zooms for the evening. Nice day of really being busy. 

Tuesday was normal. I went to diamond art, a couple more Tuesdays I'll have the Book of life picture done. Meditation was next then home for a couple hours then played cards. 

Wednesday I went to a vita health class on how to eat/make meals for one person. The lady lived alone so she told us how she does it. Basically, she works and doesn't eat like someone like us that need good balanced meals. She gave us several tips on what to do and where to go. From there I had cards in another village, left early to get to resident council. That went really well this month. I had enough time to get a meal then to cards that I play every night. 

Thursday was quiet time and I cleaned up the apartment, crocheted a couple more gnomes and worked on the penguin puzzle in the lounge. Again cards in the evening and zoom every night.  Bumble and Honey bees.

Friday they had prom, but I didn't go. I didn't go to the high school prom and I hate dressing up. I did check to see what they did for decorations. 

We've had a wild storm this week with lots of wind, rain and lightning. We're in storm season, so far no hurricanes.

1 comment:

owensontheroad said...

You'll love Cozumel. We go end of October. We can see the cruise ships coming in and out from our resort.

Hurricane Milton - Guests Staying - Fall Festival

Shalimar, FL (Hi 82   Lo  58) This was an interesting week. Sunday was normal with cards all day and evening.  Monday started to get interes...