Saturday, July 27, 2024

There's Always A First

 Shalimar, Fl  (Hi 92   Lo 72)

Sundays are always the same, kick back in the morning and cards in the afternoon. 

Monday: I had to make a couple calls, which I do very seldom, then went to a class on strokes, what to watch for and what to do if you think you or your neighbor may be having one. Lots of good info for all of us. There were several there, so that was good. I made it home in time to pick up a gal from the airport, which was 15 minutes early. That was surprising. I had zoom with the GBM gals late evening. 

Tuesday: I went to diamond art early. I was determined to get the picture done, and I did. It's more like moonlight not bright from sunlight. I'll go back now to the one I was working on in June when I was with the kids. 

I stayed for meditation, then worked on the penguin puzzle awhile. I'm not making much progress at all. I have a gal working with me, and she's doing as much as I am. There's 1000 pieces but seems more like 3000. We have probably 100 pieces put together between the two of us. 
Wednesday: I had to get up early to get to the base for a legal appointment. All the legal papers are done now for the kids. I crocheted the rest of the day till cards in the evening. I only have 3 weeks to get all my gnomes and other critters done.  

Thursday: The only thing I did was get a massage and chiropractor adjustment. They're doing such a wonderful job on my neck. 

Friday: I had inspection of the apartment which all they wanted to check is if a gurney can come in both doors and did the emergency string work in the bathroom. I got my Hellofresh meals at 11:30, right on time.  I went to a movie alone for the first time. I've never done that, and I was determined to see Twisters.  It's a GREAT movie!  I knew they used a few of the storm chasers videos I watch all the time. They had real video for the movie. Reed Timmer did a video on what was real and what was fake on youtube. (Click on the blue links to see more). I was glad to have GPS to get there and back,  It wasn't as easy as I remember someone taking me, but I made it there and back. I had some dinner and then zoom with NC friends, then the normal nightly zoom with friends. I love it!

Saturday: I'm posting this early, but not planning on anything but crocheting, working on the puzzle in the lounge then happy hour tonight. It's been a great week. 

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