Friday, June 28, 2024

Last of Appointments - Family News - DNA - Water

 Shalimar, FL    (Hi  88  Lo  76)

Most of the week was continuing medical for the year. It was a good week in that regard. The dermatologist found two spots to freeze on the side of my face,  but the rest of the body is in good shape and only age spots. Another proof I'm getting up in age. The massage and chiropractor was on Thursday. My neck is better but shoulders are tight. Dr says a good machine to use is the rowing one at the gym. I'll make a point to get there for a workout. 

The laundry room has been needing attention for a couple years. One of our residents talked to maintenance and they started working on it on Monday and finished on Wednesday. It looks great and all in white. It looks like a surgical room with washing and drying machine. 

I ordered a DNA kit a month ago and the results came in on Thursday. I didn't ask for the ancestry, but they sent an overall for past 16 generations. I'm mainly from Europe, but there were a lot of other countries it picked out. When you think of it, we're all from Adam and Eve so it's not surprising to have everyone connected in someway. The health charts were perfect fit except three of them. It covers a lot so it took hours to go thru it all. I'm pleased with what result I have to follow for food intake. I'm glad I ordered it. 

Thursday night I got news that my sister-in law died. She's Jim's younger sister and it was a shock for the whole family. Sharon will be missed and we're thinking of the loss in the family.  Alberta, Sharon's  mom died a few years ago, then Jim and now younger sister. Robin and Johnny are the siblings still with us. RIP Sharon.

Friday morning I saw water bubbling up under our tree out front of my door. I didn't think much about it at first it had been raining, but this was fast moving. I did a few things then went back out and it was still running, so I contacted maintenance. They came right out and it was a broken water line. It took the next few hours to take down the tree and repair the pipe. It was interesting how much the roots had grown and disabled the waterline. 
See the dirty area going to the right from the tree, that's mud and flowing water.
The whole maintenance team came to help.
All done
Water was back on and we were back in action before 1:00. Great job guys!!!

I have the July schedule and it filled up my calendar. It's going to be a very busy month, and I'll pass it on to you readers. Thanks for sticking with me1.

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