Saturday, May 25, 2024

Walk in the Woods - Moose Lodge - Turtle and Worm

Shalimar, Fl          (Hi   90   Lo 72)

I seldom write about Sunday unless there's something that happens that's special. The past few weeks have been nothing but playing cards in the afternoon and in the evening. 

Monday, I had my massage and chiropractor appointment. I have arthritis is the neck and this week was so much better.  It's helped we've had no rain or storms. I played cards early evening like everyday. I didn't go into zoom with  the GBM group, we played too late. 

Tuesday: I had diamond art and did a lot on the picture, when I'm all done I'll post it on the blog. I stayed long enough for meditation then worked with a gal and her computer. Every once in awhile I'll fix a phone or show someone something new on the computer. 

I walked thru the woods with another gal when I got back home.  There's a dead tree that in my younger years it would be so fun to climb. I got it in color and black and white.                                    

I walked a mile, it's been awhile and I felt it. 

Wednesday, I got up a lot later but went to cards in village 5 to play hand, knee and foot. It's my favorite day and so glad to find people that play that game.  I did something totally different, I went to the Moose Lodge with one of the gals that's a member. It's very friendly and down to earth. People welcome new members and they help kids and adults with living communities, plus help other organizations. I decided to become a member. They have great wings on Wednesday and tacos on another day, along with a pizza day. How could I pass that up. I won't go every week, but it's an option to get off campus and have some fun. There's a guy that bought a truck and made it into a Krispy Kreme truck. It's got everything about the donuts and he doesn't work for them. It's really neat.

Thursday,  I had the pest control company come out since I saw that huge spider last week.  I'm taking no chances to see more of them. They spray once a year in apartments, but I was happy to have them out before that yearly date.  I went to the monthly class which was raw veggies vs heated veggies. It was really good and I'm doing ok with microwave veggies. There's a lot more then just warming up or eating veggies raw or cooked. 

Friday, I went to Walmart to get a watermelon. We're having a Memorial Party in Village 1  and I'm bringing the watermelon. I sure can't eat one of those big ones alone. I also tried to connect a new phone to an old phone, but it didn't work like mine did, so I'll try again now that I have the right cord to do it. I had North Carolina zoom meeting in the evening.

We have a cute garden of flowers  a couple gals planted last year and the flowers are blooming and very pretty. 

Looking skyward we had some pretty cloud formations and a full moon. 

Saturday evening is social hour. We sat outside for awhile till it got too hot, then inside. We had quite a few people. When the sun went down we went back outside to continue our chatting. While sitting and watching birds and squirrels we saw a turtle. He grabbed a warm and ate it. That was something not expected. If you click on the picture you can see the worm.

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 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...