Saturday, April 20, 2024

Electronics Assistants - Birthday Party - Sing-a-long

  Shalimar, FL    (Hi   80  Lo  65)

Sunday was so much fun and a learning experience. About 15 school kids came in to help residents with cell phones, tablets and iPads. There were almost enough kids to have one on one with the residents. Each person had a question on what they needed help with. I went from table to table to hear the questions and learn anything I didn't know. The kids were amazing and very patient with everyone. There was only one cell phone that didn't want to do what they thought it should and that was with an update and changing how the screen looked. I didn't learn but a few little tricks, so was pleased to be keeping up with updates and new electronics. I'm even learning more about Apple products.

Monday I had Wii bowling then on to a special 89th birthday party. We had several attend and the Emerald Coast quartet with six guys, sang for half hour while people had lunch.

Lois and Jim are in the middle. It's Jim's 89th birthday
Thursday was another special event. The meditation leader Kathy, had a girl scout group come in to do a sing a long. They were from all over the states and had a get together for a week. There was a good turn out for the afternoon,             

They did a little dancing.
Friday was a running around day. I don't get out very often and when I do, I do a lot in one day. I had to return an Amazon order that wasn't right. It was so easy. I had a QR code and just handed the box to the lady in Kohl's she scanned the code I got a receipt and it was done. By 2:00 I had the credit in the bank. Now that's fantastic service.  I got a few groceries that I needed that isn't included in the Hellofresh meals, like bread, milk then to mailed out a crochet order to a gal. 
 I'm still very active along with all the special events along the way. Each day is different which is terrific. I still have Wii bowling for a few more weeks, meditation class, zoom classes, diamond art get together, two card playing days along with nightly cards. Saturday's is the social hour and now that the days are longer and warmer, I sit outside with a group of gals from time to time. I'm also making meals twice a week for a couple gals. I don't let grass grow under my feet. It's been a great move.

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

i, too, am greatly impressed by the Amazon return system. They just scan the bar code on my phone and hand me a receipt. Fortunately only had to return something twice. That is good considering UPS is here at least once a week with an order. Once I ordered a hand vac. I opened it to find it was already full of dust, etc. No thanks. I have enough of my own.

Nice Warmup - Volunteering - Acupunture

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 75  Lo  48) The weather has warmed up, in fact today (Friday) we had thunderstorms. The snow was finally gone after 4 da...