Saturday, April 6, 2024

Easter Party - Long Time Friends Visiting

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi  77   Lo 48)

Easter was Sunday, again it seems weeks ago. We had a party in our lounge and had a great time. Rosie fixed ham, mash potatoes and corn. There was a couple jello salads and several desserts.

Rosie cutting up the hams

After we ate several of us sat outside. It was a bit chilly so we got the firepit going. The dogs joined us.

Sally in a box
We noticed trees are in full bloom. This is a Tulip Tree, it's alternated with the Crape Myrtle around the villages.

Monday our long time RV'ing friends, Lessie and Ed were here for the rest of the week. They've been fulltime RV'ers for 11 years. They came to see me and the Bob Hope Village to put in their names on the list. Lessie is the other person that told me about this place. 

We did part of what my normal week is but we mostly worked on puzzles. 
Tuesday we did make it to diamond art. Lessie does it too and has a lot of them to do. I took pictures of some of the pictures the gals are working on. 

Wednesday I went to Wii Bowling, then Lessie and Ed joined me for lunch and we worked on the puzzle the rest of the day.  I worked on the top half, 
Lessie worked on the bottom half and the rest of the foxes that I had started. 
                                                            We got it done and this is the result. 
Thursday we started another one, only it's a 1000 piece not a 2000 piece. Side by side there's a ton of difference. 
Thursday morning Lessie and Ed went to the sales office to have the full tour and answer questions they had. I went to activities meeting to see what we're doing for the month. Another long list, so I'll continue to be busy.  We ate lunch at the commons. 

Friday they came later in the morning. They tell me I'm wearing them out. I did make a couple Hellofresh meals and they both loved them. I think once they settle awhile, they'll be making them too. 

We made today a shopping day. I don't get out a lot and there was a lot of stuff I wanted to get like red mulch, and picture frame making items. We worked all afternoon on the big puzzle frame. It wasn't being cooperate at all. The wood is hard and the little nails just wouldn't go thru it. Lessie and Ed left later then they planned and they're leaving in the morning going further south. I'll finish the big puzzle the smaller one is done and on the wall. I'll have the final results hopefully next week. I'll need help getting the big picture above the TV.

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 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...