Saturday, March 30, 2024

Computer, ID Management and Fraud Classes

 Shalimar, Fl  (Hi  73  Lo  59)    To increase size of font, do a control +  to decrease do a control -

This week was a bit different. The regular WII bowling and meditation was on the schedule. I didn't go to diamond art group or the crochet group because I had other places to go.  It sometimes gets hectic in the middle of the month with two or three things the same day and hour. 

Monday after WII bowling I went to a class on Fraud and computer scams. The lady that did the class was from the crime prevention unit at the Okaloosa sheriffs department. Her name is Ashley and she gave us an update on the latest scams and frauds that's happening in our area. It's just getting worse. She gave things to watch out for in the emails and social media.  

                                                Ashley Bailey

Tuesday is was raining really hard so I didn't go to the diamond art. I worked on the puzzle and got some thread organized. I went to meditation for an hour which I really don't want to miss. 

Thursday I skipped crochet group and went to ID Management put on by Hurlburt Air base. They deal with computer scams and phone safety. This class was a lot more involved then the last one. There's so much going on it's hard to keep up. So many of the seniors have been hacked and not know what to do or to call. We were taught "haveibeenpwned"  to check if you're information is on the web and how to clear it. First and foremost, change your passwords. I have a lot to do changing passwords. Plus do a 2 factor authentication which you can do for all your charge cards and banks. When something is charged you'll see it on your phone immediately. Another big thing is to slow down, don't click on just anything. Check it, even if it's from a friend, be sure it's them. 

Friday I got some groceries. I also did some dyed eggs with my neighbor. 

We're collecting the little bunnies that people are finding in the commons area. It was ducks, now it's bunnies. That's so fun to be aware.
Rick and Jack went to NC to see Jim's sisters.
Sharon, Jack, Rick, Robin
Last week I showed the crochet gnomes I'm making. This week it's the 2000 piece puzzle I'm doing in my spare time.
Another month is starting. I'll talk about Easter in next week's blog.

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Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...