Saturday, March 9, 2024

Special Visitor - Mini Horse

 Shalimar, FL (Hi  76  Lo  50)

What an interesting week! 

The week started out with normal activities. Monday was Wii bowling and I made a couple meals from Hello Fresh. I played cards in the evening then had the GBM group zoom and we had four new gals in because their husbands died with GBM (like Jim). So sad they can't get a handle on the cancer.

Tuesday I had a special visitor. Shelly was our kids babysitter. We've stayed in touch all these years and she came for a visit to see the complex plus checking out the Hawthorn House for her mom. That's another building here when you no longer can take care of yourself. It's not a nursing home, just a  retirement place. The wait is a year and she wanted to check it out. She loves where I am and understands why I like it. She left in the evening to get back to Panama City. She's on vacation. 


Wednesday is my really busy day. I'm at bowling by 10:00am then 15 minutes to eat lunch and over to Village five to play hand, knee and foot. Actually it's my favorite day. I have 20 minutes to get dinner then to the normal nightly cards game of 31. What fun.

Thursday I went to the activities meeting to see what's in store for the whole month of March and they had some of April laid out for us. I'm going to have to make decisions on which activity I want to do more. There's several things I want to do on the same day at the same time. I went to crochet group by 1:00 and got some details on what gnomes I should sell in August at the craft fair. I'm excited they're doing one of those. I have fourteen made already and when I'm on zoom at night I crochet. I can usually do two in four hours before bed. One of the gals is making fingerless gloves. I've never seen it done. It's really neat. 

This is my latest gnome. I won't bore you with all the ones I make till they're all done. I'm making  holiday gnomes. This one is Easter. I have patterns for some of them and others I'm creating as I go. I do a lot of "frogging" tearing out what I do and remake it. 
Friday was another out of the blue surprise. While I was at Hawthorn House I noticed the mini horse was scheduled for today. I came over and watched the little horse being petted and loved by the gals, including me. His name is Elmer and he's well trained to just stand still for everyone.
I noticed the bag for his backend, how neat. 

I loved his hooves. Looks like special shoes for him. 

I had a busy week and it's all good. We had some severe storms on Friday night, but no damage. We did get a lot of rain and wind. It's getting into the bad time of the year, weather wise. 

Saturday I made meals and had social hour at 4:00.  Sunday was hand and foot at our village at 1:00.  We also changed time to one hour ahead. I wish it would stop changing.

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

They must have an activity director there. If it ever becomes available, you are the one for the job!

Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...