Saturday, March 2, 2024

One Year Anniversary - Stove

 Shalimar, Fl    (Hi  66  Lo  60)

ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY is tomorrow, Sunday March 3. What a ride! It's the best decision I could have made and so glad to be at Bob Hope Village. I have no complaints. It's right for me and so glad the kids helped me get here. At times, I feel like I've been here five years, and other times it feels like yesterday. I've learned so much. 

I seldom talk about Sundays, I don't do anything but cards (Hand and Foot) and cards (31) at night. I also do laundry and clean up the place (if needed).

So we'll start out every week with Monday's activities. First is Wii bowling, which the first game wasn't a bad score 209. It went downhill from there. The next thing was a seminar or meeting, talk whatever you want to call it about what happens when you call 911. It's very interesting. The firetrucks come first normally when it's a fall or something minor. They assess the situation then call ambulance and if further assistance needed the police are called. Very interesting one and half our talk with the emergency supervisor. I had just enough time to get dinner and go play cards, then into the GBM group zoom and on to zoom for normal nightly chat with the same people from 2007. I can't believe there's some people sticking around.  If you're free about 8:00pm central time join us on zoom.

Meeting ID: 725 1208 0635      Passcode: eD328y

Tuesday:  I went to diamond art and I finally finished the gnome bunnies. I'm so glad to have it done way before Easter. It's really vibrant colors in person. 

I went to meditation at1:00, then home to make a couple meals for the neighbor with Hello Fresh. They only take about 45 minutes so no big deal. I also started the 2000 piece puzzle turning over the pieces. I think I'll be busy for a few months.
Wednesday started with Wii bowling. Not as high scores as on Monday. I wish I was more consistent. I had just enough time to grab a sandwich then head to Village 5 for hand, knee and foot. Then dinner and cards. 

Thursday I got my stove fixed. I made out a work order last night (Wednesday) for my burners on the stove. They haven't worked well since I got here and two of the big burners didn't even heat up water. It was not going to be feasible making meals without a full working stove. The maintenance guy was here by 9:00 and put in four new burners. They work great and I'm so thankful.  So far everything that's gone wrong has been fixed same day or next day. I went to the crochet group in Village six. Back to cards after some dinner. Tuesday to Thursday are quick turnaround days.  It's great to have something to do and so far it's working for me. I do go to other things and get sidetracked every once in awhile, but I go with the flow.

Friday is a down day and this time I went to Culver's for lunch. I haven't been there since I left Illinois. I always get a tenderloin but the gals said their fish is excellent and they're right. I worked on the puzzle most of the afternoon after making a meal. This weeks meals came in so I sorted them and will make them between now and Tuesday. 

Saturday was the monthly meeting for our village. Not a whole lot going on in the village. I had a zoom meeting then made a meal for neighbor and I.  Our social hour is at 4:00 to whenever we decide it's enough. It's a time we meet people in our village and we have some new people coming in so that's way to meet and learn who needs help. 
One year, wow. It's unbelievable. 


Phyllis said...

As they say..... time flies when you are having fun. And you are having fun.

Mark from Missouri said...

Hello Dee,

Just stopping in to check out the blog to see how it's going. I've not been getting notices from a lot of the blog I follow when a new post goes up. But I understand the notification system for Blogger changes a while back. No worries, I saved a link to your blog so I can check in.

Looks like you found a fun place to settle into a year ago. Lots of folks go to that area for vacation so it must be fun.

I'm going to read a few more of your posts and I'll check back again later.

Mark from Missouri

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...