Friday, February 23, 2024

Warm Week - Keeping Up - Budding Trees

 Shalimar, FL (Hi  71   Lo  43)

This week was pretty normal and only a few changes along the way. 

Sunday I played cards in the afternoon. That's the slowest day and I'm glad to have something going on besides crocheting and watching TV,  that's for evenings. What card game, hand and foot. What else? lol 

Monday was President's day but that didn't pertain to anything around here except no mail. I had Wii bowling, then hurry to dementia class. Our leader was sick so they setup the class on line and I looked for Teepa Snow got one we wanted to see and had an hour and half learning from her. If you want to know anything about Dementia that's the person to learn from, she's on I had time to get some dinner then the nightly 31 card game. I learn what's going on around the campus from the other gals that play. 

Tuesday was crafts, which I'm still working on the diamond art bunnies. I almost have that done. I decided to setup the table and ordered a backlight for diamond art. It sure makes a difference, but no way to plug it in without the PC, so ordered a charger. There's always something to get, guess it's a new thing, don't put everything you need in whatever you buy.  I'll continue working on the picture. I have something to do on the table when this picture is done. Stay tuned to more on projects.  After diamond art was over, I stayed for meditation.  I always enjoy that time.

Wednesday was different. It's the third week from my last massage so after Wii bowling I went to my massage/chiropractor. The person I've been seeing for almost a year has changed to doing rehab only, so I was placed with someone else.  It wasn't a good massage so I asked to be with someone else next month. They have three gals that I can pick from so there's hope one of them will be as good as the one I had. 

Thursday was crochet group time. I helped a gal with a pattern and stayed a couple hours working on my gnomes. I also got my hair cut. It wasn't really long, but I hate it when it gets long around my ears. I'm hoping to get a two week plan going so it's the same length all the time. 

Friday I didn't have anything to do. I thought I'd just stay in jammies, but that didn't happen. The gal I met at the craft fair come here to give me her thread that if you brush it it looks like fur. I'm going to make a few dogs for the craft fair that's in August. I'm really excited. While I'm on that subject, if anyone that's been following me with my crochet items, what is your favorite item that you'd buy. My list is holiday gnomes, like the beer head gnome for St Pat's day, see picture in yesterday's blog.  Next is a bunny gnome with ears for Easter. etc. Cardinals, turtles, butterflies and lady bugs on tiny clothespins with magnets for the refrigerator. If you think of something else that would sell, let me know.  The day ended up cleaning up the apartment and laundry. I also got my Hello fresh meals so sorted them out and getting ready to make them up tomorrow and Monday. 

Saturday  I took pictures of the tree beside me with the buds. I think it's a  Magnolia. (Click on the photos to enlarge).

It's now Saturday. First on the list is helping a neighbor with his computer. Then I'm meeting another neighbor to setup meals to order for next week. I'll work on the diamond art and see what else comes up during the day.  I'm having trouble keeping up with the days. I'm either behind a day or ahead. I'm glad my phone tells me what day it is along with the time. 

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

I'm with you. I never know what day it is.

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...