Saturday, February 17, 2024

New Phone - Super Bowl - Meals - Craft Show

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 55  Lo 39)

I got my new  phone Pixel 7 on Monday. I hate changing phones but this one was so easy, just plug the cord to both the new and old one and it took off with copying files and everything was in new phone in minutes. I had to setup a few apps, but I already knew how to do that. I was very proud that I did it all by myself without asking the kids, or anyone here. whew, that was easy. 

Super bowl was Sunday and we had several gals bring food and we went to the lounge to watch the game. I got too bored after the halftime show so went back home. I kept up with the score only because our older son was rooting for the 49ers and I knew he would be upset if they lost. I still haven't heard from him. lol 

I get HelloFresh meals every other week and another gal started getting them. She can't stand  to  make them for very long so I started making them for her. That's two gals I'm making meals. They don't take long, and it's worth a few extra minutes to help them out. That way I can sample what they buy to see if I want to get them. I did all the meals on Monday which I will probably do every week. 

Tuesday I worked on the diamond art almost all day with only a couple hours out for meditation. I also worked on it Friday afternoon.  It's slow going, placing each bead in a little square takes time. 

Monday and Wednesday was Wii bowling which I had pretty good scores. I can only get better, hopefully. On Wednesday I went to the other village for hand and foot card game. That's so much fun. I didn't go to the Valentine's dance at the commons. I'd much rather play cards. 

Thursday I went to crochet in building six. I made Ivy and pearl plant for the gal that wanted it for sorority. She was very pleased with it. (Click on the photos to enlarge).

While I was there crocheting, I finished the gnome that's for St. Patrick day. I'll do a bunch for the craft fair coming in August. I have lots of ideas for other gnomes.
Saturday was special. It was a rainy day but I took the bus to Destin to the community center for the areas craft show with 55 vendors. There were mostly jewelry, but several things I had never seen. I met a women that does yarn and bigger things that I do with thread. She tried a little dog but didn't like doing anything that small. I still haven't seen anyone making what I make. 
The lady that makes these clothes takes cloth and instead of quilts she makes clothes. Very interesting. 

IF I was going to buy something this is what I would buy. It's outdoor fake plants with all kinds of gnomes, fairies and little stuff in them. 

We left in a couple hours and went to Cracker Barrel for lunch. It rained all day long. I got home about 1:30 and went to play hand and foot in Village 2 for the rest of the afternoon. I then went to social hour at 4:00.  It was a full day of fun. I did all the other things I do daily just didn't post it, zooms and cards every night. 

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 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...