Saturday, January 20, 2024

Snow up North - Woods - WIFI

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  47  Lo  26)   Temps all over the place 

 The biggest conversation is the winter storms all over the country. The El Nino is in full effect so storms are different than most years. Wicked temps in the north and midwest have hit Florida and we're not as warm as other years. A lot of the residents put covers over the plants and some didn't. It makes a difference.  (click on the photos to enlarge). 

This used to be a beautiful elephant plant. It was huge!
We had one day at 62 degrees so I took that opportunity to walk thru the woods to throw the popcorn and cranberries garland that we had on our lounge Christmas tree. It's so peaceful and only little critters scamper around. It's a soul relaxing time and I love it. 

One of the residents wanted a small drawer cabinet so one of the guys (Jim) put it together in just a few hours. It's all about a community coming together doing a project. 

I tried to learn tatting, but my neighbor showed me a great tatting project from her past. It's beautiful, and it's not something I want to do I'll stick with crocheting. 
Speaking of crocheting. I finished the 12 catnip mice and got it in the mail this week. 
My calendar is filling up. The WII bowling is coming back in season so that's two days a week. I have several crochet orders to get done and I'm thinking of a routine to the gym so get strength and movement. There's so much to do here. 

I helped a couple gals with phones and tablets which I learn too when I work with problems and setups. It also keeps me in the loop on what's new and how to handle upgrades.  We had out Tech WIFI guy bring us up to date on the WIFI in the complex. He's setting up all new lines for fiber optic and another company will be joining him to setup the WIFI 7, with more security and speed. Of course it will be more money, but for those of us that use the WIFI for streaming, that's great news. There were a lot of people at the meeting, which was good to see. 
Regan showing how the conduits are setup with the boxes to the apartments. 

On Wednesday, I went to a talk on Laughter is the best Medicine. She told us kids laugh around 300 times a day,  adults 17 1/2, how they got half I have no idea, maybe it's giggles. We need to laugh a lot more to help the soul, body and mind. It was very good. 

Thursday I went to VFW to see if I have all the benefits from the military concerning the Vietnam war and agent orange. I'm not qualified, Jim never put in for damage (there wasn't any) and he didn't have the kind of cancer that they are looking for on compensation. I tried, that's all that matters. 

Friday I had my sixth month blood work and I asked to be sure the A1C (diabetes) was included it wasn't. That's the reason I have it done, so tried to call the office and they're closed on Friday's. I'm going in Monday early get the paperwork and go to lab as a walk in to get it taken. I should have told the doctor to add it, but I thought it was normal, since all my paperwork says to watch the blood counts.  Just another sign to be sure you ask for what you need, it's not always a given they do it right. 

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

Last year I had several plants on our enclosed porch. We left home over Christmas and returned to find them all like you have posted that did not survive the cold. Crazy weather here. Was 11 this morning. Predicting 65 on Tuesday.

Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...