Saturday, January 13, 2024

Storms - Great Concert

 Shalimar, FL (Hi 54  Lo  37)

Sunday:  I went with a couple gals to VFW for breakfast. They do a great job and it's always good. I didn't eat again till evening.  I get up every once in awhile it time to go with them. Thank you girls!

It's been fairly quiet this week. I got little things done in the apartment and crocheted most of the down time. I have 4 more orders now and will work on the craft fair in August when I don't have anything else to do. 

Monday: Storms have been the big news in our area. There were several tornado touchdowns very close to me and of course I had the storm chasers on and watching the weather closely. We had lots of wind that blew over plants and a few branches down, but nothing major in the complex. 

Tuesday: I went to diamond art, there were a couple gals I sat with and then stayed for meditation. They're taking out carpet and putting in vinyl flooring so it's all messed up in the commons area. We're not in the same room as we normally are for meditation. It's hard to get to the activities for darts and shuffleboard for the next couple weeks. Less people roaming around too. 

Wednesday:  I had my monthly massage and chiropractor appointment. I wasn't in as much pain as I been, so it was a quick appointment.  When I got back I went to a concert by the Emerald Coast Music Alliance. They go to different states and perform for free. They've been to BHV for several years. They had a piano duo, drums, piano and bass, another was trumpet, French horn and Trumpet. They were very good and I'm glad I went (click on the photos to enlarge).  These three did bop music.

Trumpet player was outstanding. 

                                                                    These two did orchestra type music on the piano. 

These three did jazz
At the end they all played and we joined in with clapping. It was really pretty neat. 
I made kitties and cat nip toys. I need to make 12 toys and have seven done will work on this all weekend. 

I'm still making hello fresh meals. It's looking like I'm saving quite a bit each month by getting three of their meals a week and adding only two days of something I want to make. This one is pita with all kinds of veggies and with the seasonings they send, it was outstanding. 
Thursday:  The normal day of going to crochet group. We have a good time and most of the gals are making afghans, but a couple made neck warmers. I did learn how to connect two colors a different way, that will be handy for a lot of the critters I make.  From there I went to shuffleboard with Shelba and Connie. It's a fun time for us and gets them out of the apartment with something to do. 

Friday: We had a storm go thru with high winds and rain, but it didn't last long. I watched storm chasers all day Some are in the snow pulling people out and a few in the south chasing tornado potential. I stayed with the ones in the south. 

Saturday: I watched the snow and the storm chasers most of the afternoon. It felt good to not get up till 10:00 this morning. I don't do that everyday because I usually have a deadline to be somewhere by 10. I practiced WII bowling with one of the gals that just started on one of my teams. She's very good and I also needed the practice. When that was over I went over to social hour that's every Saturday night. We had 12 people tonight, even if it was a lot colder than normal. That brings me to another week. Next week is a bit busier. See you then. 

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

I was thinking about you when I heard about the tornadoes down there. Glad everything is good.

Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...