Friday, January 5, 2024

Happy New Year, 2024 - Back to Normal

 Shalimar, Fl  (Hi  65   Lo 43) 

I usually do a recap of the previous year, but I'm  too lazy to look everything up and it's all on the blog. I didn't want to bore anyone with the past, let's see what the future holds. Maybe that's why I've always hated history, it's over let's move forward. 

Sunday, New Year's Eve I made deviled eggs for the get together.  We discussed when to start the party and for those still awake at 8pm we made that the start time. We had 15 attend. We had plenty of food and we had a great time. All made it to the 12:00 time in NYC to see the ball drop. Several stayed till midnight to celebrate our central time. (Click on the photo to enlarge). We wore little hats to celebrate. Rosie, Kathy, Dee, Mickey, and Lu. 

The whole group to start at 8:00
The others by midnight. Patsy, Linda, Rosie, Mickey 

It was also Patti's birthday along with Marge, but she wasn't there. 
The ball dropping in New York. 
There was very little drinking and we all got to our apartments without any problems. 

Monday: I watched the Rose Bowl parade. Our son Frank was in the parade and it brought back many memories with the band and all they had to go thru to be in the parade. The band in Niceville the next town north of us was in it and I had been following them all week on Facebook on what they were doing and when they loaded the equipment then to the airport boarding the plane. I took a picture of them in the parade. Their band is about the same size as ours with 300 members
In the afternoon I went to the lounge area to get the top of the tree and return it to the owner and while there Rosie and Judy were there so we took down the tree and all the directions. The room is back to normal ready for the next big holiday. 

Now that the holidays are over and we're back to normal activities, I started out with a full day on Tuesday. Diamond art was first, but only a couple people there. I stayed about an hour and was asked to play hand and foot. Since the meditation group wasn't meeting I pounced on that idea. I got some lunch and went to the other village to play a couple hours. I was glad to get the chance. I came home ate some dinner and to our normal evening of the card game 31. 

Wednesday: It was rainy and cold and I had a huge problem with dental insurance. It's a very long story but after four hours plus, I finally have my insurance that was supposed have been done a year ago when I knew I was moving. I have no idea how the bills are being paid since it was cancelled. I'm not complaining, but it's all in full force now, hopefully.  I didn't play cards, just no time. I also had to get hold of Amazon about an order THEY cancelled because of damage but I didn't get credit, so I got hold of a real agent and finally got a replacement. whew, that's done too. 

Thursday: It ended up getting up to 66 degrees. I went to the activities meeting for the monthly plans of what we're doing in January. There's some new things coming up and I signed up for a bunch of things. I'll be busy all thru January except Fridays and weekends, but I'll work on the guitar, puzzles and crocheting. Oh ya, the best news, On August 17, we're having a craft sale for the community. That means I can make a bunch of stuff and sell it. I already have over 100 in mind to do. I think I'll be ok thru the winter and summer months with things to make. I'm a happy camper. 

Friday: I didn't want to sit in the apartment so went to the commons area and sat at the big table with good lightening to work on the diamond art. That's so neat to do. I'm alone, but yet anyone that walks past the door can come in and chat. Most just walk by the door, but some come in. It's fun. I had NC zoom in the evening. 

Here's the order I did this week. Now working on the mama cat to watch over the young'uns. I should have it done this weekend.   



owensontheroad said...

I remember seeing that band! I always watch the Rose parade, never got to go, although my church youth group went every year from Bakersfield.

Miriam said...

Great post! Sarah went to the Rose Bowl during her last year in high school. She played in the University of Oregon marching band and was on tv, too! Great memories.
When you talk about your activities, I often wish I was there to participate and visit with you. I recently learned how to play hand and foot - such fun!

Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...