Saturday, January 27, 2024

New Chat - Very Active Week

 Shalimar, FL   ( Hi  71   Lo 55)   


Meeting ID: 725 1208 0635

Passcode: eD328y

I started my own zoom so we can talk and not just type. It's a continuation from the chat group of RV'ers in 2008. There's still a few of us that get together. I  hope you join us any evening about 7:30 pm Central.

I'm back to being busy and there were a couple days I had to choose between which event to do since they were at the same time. I'm loving all the choices I have with something to do.  

Monday:  United Way comes in almost monthly for projects for us. This time it was putting stickers on Veggie Straw bags. They tell who sponsors the bag. There were 700 of them and with just a few of us it took 20 minutes. Gives us gals something to do and helps with our "volunteer time", that goes on record for the end of the year recognition. 

One half hour later, I had WII bowling. It's the first game of a new season which lasts till April. I'm also on the league on Wednesdays. I'm hoping to be in the high 200's this time around, but at least I'm over 150 per game, so far. 

I had just enough time to get a bite to eat then go to a class for arthritis. It was informative telling how to keep from pain with different movements. It was  well worth going, I got some new ideas without taking pills.

I took a couple hours back home before going to cards which is nightly. Monday is the zoom get together with gals that had husbands die from GBM. We've all been on for at least a year so we've become close. It's good to have a couple hours and catch up.

Tuesday: I went to crafts to work on the diamond art. I was close to finishing it but actually did that on Friday afternoon in the lounge. While I was finishing it, a resident came in and wanted to buy it. No problem. I put it in a frame and she now has the gnomes. I still have four more to make so no problem. 

Wednesday: Wii bowling was at 10:00 and it went very well.  I had just enough time to get to Village 5 for hand, knee and foot. That takes a couple hours, but have time to get dinner and go to the card game in our village called 31. I always have chat every evening which is now on zoom.  The link is at the top.

Thursday:  A class on how to boost your immune system  was given and only two of us showed up. It was about how over the years our foods have changed so much and our systems are learning to cope with the toxics. I learned a lot, still not sure how to change it but to get apiece of land and grow my own food and water will be a problem unless you have an osmoses water system.

I  went from the class to sip and paint. This one was a bit different from the rest of the painting classes we've had in the past. It was acrylic paint thinned down, pour in a bottle, swirl around and empty we had several colors to choose from and the bottles turned out really pretty. We did the same thing with a little piece of canvas and did the same thing.  (Click on the photos to enlarge).

Friday:  I didn't go anywhere accept the lounge as I mentioned above. I waited on my HelloFresh meals to arrive which is usually around 11:00, but it didn't arrive. The monthly happy hour at the commons was at 3:00 but I didn't want to go and miss the delivery. I'm very glad I didn't. I saw the delivery guy next door and asked if he had the HelloFresh.  He said he didn't, but came back five minutes later and he had the box. I was so thankful to catch him or he would have had to come back, OR the box wouldn't have made it and I'd have to wait. The box has ice packs, but it was loaded on the truck at 7:30, that's a long day for meat to be in a truck.  All is good.

Saturday: I woke up to rain and it's supposed to rain all day. I'm doing taxes (before meeting with the tax people just to see how much I'll pay), finish crocheting an order and then go to happy hour in our lounge. 


Anonymous said...

I wish I had half of your energy are a busy lady. I liked your gnomes.

JB said...

Now I'll have to do my makeup before signing on to the chat.


Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...