Friday, February 2, 2024

Settling in - Great News

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  65  Lo 52)

Ever wonder what happened to people you've met in your life? I had a day that's all I thought about. I was reading a blog where one of the fulltime rv'ers went off the road and bought a place. I often wonder where some of those folks are located which led me down the rabbit hole on thinking of so many people I've met and how they're doing. 

This week I felt more settled in then the past couple months.  It's almost one year that I've arrived here and it was a great decision. I'm busy, taken care of and have people to talk to.  

I have a partial routine now with Wii bowling on Monday and Wednesday.  Wednesday is hand, knee and foot for three hours in the afternoon. Tuesday is Diamond Art, then meditation.  Thursday is crochet group and shuffleboard . Friday is catch up day from what I don't do during the week and I've added one hour in the gym. Saturday is find something to do or crocheting and guitar. Sunday is hand and foot the easy way and teaching people the game. Every night is chats and zooms with different groups and people.

Then there is the odd stuff that pops up and the planned things can be cancelled. Wednesday I had my massage and chiropractor appointment. My hip has been hurting but between the two it's now back in place and I'm not in pain. I can't live without either of them, keeping neck and hip from hurting is a big deal. 

Thursday is the great news. My six month doctor appointment and this is the second time I've met with the  doctor. I'm quite impressed with him. He's very knowledgeable and won't hold anything back, either bad or good.  My blood work is excellent and I'm more in the younger age bracket than my real age. His words "I'm great for my age and a lot more energetic".  Good to know. I do have an ear infection starting, so meds for that for five days.

Today (Saturday) is our village meeting for discussing upcoming events or complaints. I can't  leave without a couple pictures.

This weeks crochet: Two dogs and bunny and kitty.

                                            This is the picture I was given for the dogs.

And what I made
One of the gals wanted a snowman. I decided to make one with tangled lights.
Tiger kitty for a gal
More happy customers.

A flag and a couple pictures were added to our village lounge. Thanks to Kathy, Vickie and Jim.
Another great week. Stay tuned for next week. Thank you to all my readers.


Bill Joyce said...

Diane and I still RV in the summer, but have a park model in Mesa Arizona for the winter. So we are still around, but don't get very far east anymore.

Phyllis said...

Yes, I too, think about those who RVed when we did. I find that 7 years is about the average. Sadly some have passed (The Wiebles and your Jim) Others (like my hubby) have health issues, others just felt the need to settle (like me). Others still keep in touch (you, The Owens). Others I hope are doing well.

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...