Friday, February 17, 2023

Answers - Weather - Plant - Car Service - Venting

 Shiloh, IL (Hi 52   Lo 36)   Snow North and tornadoes South

I'll start out with, I HAVE ANSWERS. The previous posts I talked about  going to ER and having tests. I had my appointment with the surgeon and he went over the HIPA scan and CT scan and gave me some answers and possibilities. I have a perfect working gallbladder, BUT the problem lies in the top part of the stomach and a hernia just below where possible pain is occurring. I explained it's not all the time and with my history going way back there's a few things that can cause my problems. There's a spot that MIGHT be scar tissue from ruptured appendix way back when, or an ulcer. I know I have IBS, that's been for years, so that's a great possibility which acts up with stress, ya think?  Looking back when all this started with more problems was with Jim's death, yep, ok so that's it!  Well, not exactly, to rule out anything else that it might be I'll need a EGD test, the one with the scope down the throat to the intestines. I'll do that when I get to Florida. I'll wait and see what happens. The stress may dissolve and so will the problems once moved and settled. In the meantime, I watch closely on what I eat. So there's my answer. 

The weather is crazy. It's been in the 60's this week off and on and the bad snow storms are going north and tornadoes to thesouth of us. I'm happy, I'm getting out and getting things done. One big item was having a garden shop work with the Peace plant I received at Jim's funeral. I can't keep plants I look at them and they die, this one has grown to be way more then I've seen a plant grow. I took it to a garden shop to have it replanted and I took half of it and let the place keep the other half. They couldn't get over how beautiful it is. I hope to take it to Florida and still have it grow. 

                                                Before and after shots of it. 

The lady at the shop said whatever I'm doing, keep doing it. She was very impressed. 

The gal that's learning crochet came for a lesson this week and also picked up her crocheted critters for the grandkids. They're thrilled to play with them. I still have a few more to go before I leave. 
Here's a couple more I made this week. 

The food truck came to the apartment complex on Wednesday. Tacos this time. I can never make up my mind what to get so to do it right, I got two meals so I have one for tomorrow night. I seldom eat out so I gave myself a kitchen break. They're so good. 

I had my last massage and chiropractor appointment here in this area. I'll need to find someone in Florida but they're all over the place, which I'm very thankful.

I took the car in for last check before the big trip. I wanted to be sure everything was ok before getting on the road. It passed with flying colors, nothing needs to be done. I do need tires they're starting to dry rot and air in the tires. I keep getting a sensor light on one of them. I'm good to go. I love Karius Automotive in O'Fallon, IL.  They do a great job and treat you fair. 

I usually don't vent, but this has gone too far. When Jim died one of the surgeons said to sign up for the CPAP lawsuit that was started for brain cancer patients. I got a letter shortly after his death that they wanted info. I sent everything in that they wanted. It was hard because Jim had just passed and all the info was from the CPAP he'd been using. It took me a couple days to get it together. Yesterday (Friday) I get another call that they needed it all again. This was the FOURTH call that they wanted all the info I've given them three times before. I have never had good luck with lawyers. They're worthless to me. I should have never signed up. I went off on the guy that wanted everything AGAIN. He emailed the questions that they wanted again, and I sent back a couple things he asked for (like the death certificate)  and a bunch of pictures with Jim in hospital and some other ones and said never contact me again unless you have the case resolved. It's not worth it to me to get upset and crying the rest of the day over a lawyer company that can't keep all the info on one person together. Off my soap box. There's no fixing a lawyer firm, but thanks for listening. I figure they're doing it on purpose so you get mad enough to drop it so they'll get more money if it pans out. 

I'm still putting stuff in boxes, but the cabinets are almost bare so I'm done now till the last week here. I can get things out if I need to no box is sealed shut. 

1 comment:

owensontheroad said...

Glad you found out about what is possibly causing the pain. Hopefully the lack of stress will calm everything down. I never heard of the cancer CPAP connection. Interesting. Stupid lawyers causing more heartache for you!

Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...