Saturday, February 25, 2023

Another Chapter About to Start - Last Time at Hospice - Visit Sis

 Shiloh, IL  (Hi  55  Lo 33)  Record temps down south, record temps up north

Thank you so much for being a reader!  I really appreciate it. 

It's about to happen. I'm basically living out of boxes. It reminds me of our moves in the military. An air of excitement, and the nervous tummy and sleepless nights are the norm lately.

I'm starting another chapter in my life. I love Florida.  Jim and I met and married in Florida, had one of our kids was born in Florida. We lived in Patrick AFB while in the military.  We  spent all our RV'ing winters in Florida. We bought a house in Florida when we left the fulltime RV'ing. Every time we went out of the state and back we'd have joy and a few tears seeing the Florida welcome sign. It was "home". I ended up in Illinois when Jim died and it's been great to be with our sons, but with their busy lives I don't need to be intruding and my calling has been back to Florida. I tried twice to get back in the last 18 months. I had two people tell me about Bob Hope Village for retired military and widows/widowers. It took five months to get accepted and now I'm on the way. My life is going back to playing cards, meeting people with a lot in common. I leave next Thursday!

This week was packing then unpacking after I learned that I'm going into an 650 square foot apartment, mine now is 815 square foot. That's not much difference, but I scaled down some of the bowls I had and things I like to have but not a necessity. The rest I took to a thrift shop. 

I packed all the thread and crochet stuff, that made it feel real. All the required orders are done. I still have things I can make but will wait till I get to the new place.  

Thursday, I went for the last time to hospice for a few hours of work. I taught one of the gals more computer tricks and they took me out to lunch, (Red Robin). I taught them both how to do a video call in case they get stuck with computer problem in doing something needed. It was a fun couple hours.  I'm going to miss them. I learned a lot and taught a lot. It's a good feeling. 

Friday, I went to my sisters to see her new make over on her house. They're no longer going to Florida so they put some time and money into  fixing it up.  On the way, the tire light came on again just as I hit Missouri and I hoped it wasn't anything more then the temperature of the tire. I have no idea which tire causes trouble but as soon as I got to my sister's driveway it went off. We took it into town awhile later and it never came on. I'm getting tires before the trip. 

We went to St. Charles for Friday afternoon. If you ever want to see the history of St. Charles Old Town 5th street is the place to go. It's got cobblestone streets and really neat places to eat and shop. Prices are good compared to other towns. Great food at Frontier Perk Cafe. 

The homes are basically stores, they live in the back and the store is in the front area. 

                                We went down to the Missouri River and this is the boat house. 
                                            There's a lot of driftwood going down the river. 

We got back home and just visited and watched for deer, (didn't see any). Sis and I went out to dinner to our favorite restaurant, Babylon. We had wings and they were really good. 

Now the fun starts with final packing, getting all the details in place. We get the Uhaul on Wednesday and take off on Thursday. My biggest fear is bad weather and it's predicted. We'll just take an hour at a time and see how far we make it on Thursday. 


KarenInTheWoods said...

Good for you! May you find comfort and easier living in your new surroundings. Good luck and we will be waiting to hear from you.

owensontheroad said...

Good luck on your move! Can't wait for pictures of your new digs!

Donna B. McNicol said...

Just a note - we had a random tire warning and all our tires were fine. The tire store even checked all the sensors in case they needed replacing. Nope, all fine. But it kept happening...somehow, someone at the tire store figured out it was our spare tire giving the warning!

Jean Albrecht said...

I know with all your efforts and planning, this is going to be a fantastic move. Florida sounds awesome! I wish you well. Jean A.

Lorne Green (A Place Called Away) said...

Im glad you are going home!! Sue and I wish you safe travels and we know you will bring some joy to your new community. Now we will have to make Florida a destination soon. Enjoy!! said...

Hope you enjoy going back home and starting a new part of your life. I have returned to Florida this winter at the same park but its not the same although the weather is great.
Rick Cochrane

Nancy and Bill said...

We have a similar feeling about Florida and are so happy you will be coming back to HOME!! Bill & I wish you the very best and if we ever get near the pan handle, we'll give you a shout. Safe travels and Happy Trails!!! 🤗😍

Mark from Missouri said...

Dee, I got all hung up with my life and missed a lot of your posts so I'm going back to read them and make sure I'm still subscribed. How wonderful it is you are heading home. 650 square feet seems like a lot as I sit at the table of our 35' 5th wheel. You know how that feels for sure.

Mark from Missouri

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 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 75  Lo  48) The weather has warmed up, in fact today (Friday) we had thunderstorms. The snow was finally gone after 4 da...