Saturday, May 9, 2020

Almost back to normal - Last Visit with Sis till Fall

Auburndale, FL (Hi  92  Lo 65)

It's been a busy week and not home very many days this week. I had a massage and chiropractor appointment on Tuesday. I have arthritis in the neck and the only way to move it is to have the chiropractor do it. No more headaches the rest of the week. I went from there to hospice to work awhile on the computer file input. I also worked Monday and Thursday. I enjoy being there with only three of us in back area of the building we're no risk to any nursing staff or patients.


Tuesday evening we did a first family video on Zoom. We had the older grandson from the college and older and younger son with their families. What a riot!  Sometimes we couldn't hear them and sometimes they'd blank out, but it was so fun seeing everyone at the same time. We seldom get to do that in real life unless there's a wedding or graduation. It sure was enjoyable. That may happen more often.
Rick and Jack, Jim and Dee, Kendall and Frank and Kyle

Wednesday was our grocery pickup from Walmart. They didn't have four items, one was paper towels. Someday we'll get everything we need all in one place. We also went to a local butcher shop we found online. It's a super place with tons of meat and veggies. We'll be going back to this place called Mac's Meat and Produce in Winter Haven. It was the best meat we've had in awhile. Jim grilled a steak and I had brats. The meat packaging places are closed because of the virus  that means meat is hard to find. It looks like for now we can find it at this place.

Friday was clean up day with little odds and ends. I bought a sewing machine several months ago and never knew if it worked or not. I got it out and played with the dials and settings with the help of the manual online. I got it to work, so made a mask. I kissed the mask. At least it's not plain.

I put together the second puzzle of 1000 pieces. It took 7 1/2 days average seven hours a day. This one had to be put together in halves. It didn't fit the table.

Another tid-bit was a great blue heron and great egret and alligator all in one area. They never seem to bother each other. If you click on the picture to make it larger,  the egret is to the left and blue heron to the right with the alligator in the middle.

Instead of sunset, I'll put in the picture I see almost every evening where I sit with my feet in the window watching all the golf carts go by.

Saturday, We went to Okeechobee to see sis, Doris and hubby Herm, before they leave to go north this week. We helped take down the awnings and put outside items inside. We had a great visit and another walk on the docks by the Kissimmee River.

On the way home we found Beef O'Brady restaurant was open. We finally got to eat out. It's been at least six weeks but it seems a year. It was great, only four people in there and the waitresses had on masks. The state is slowly getting back to normal. Several restaurants had open signs on them going thru Sebring.  Maybe there's hope.


Phyllis said...

Restaurants open tomorrow in Alabama. Oh how we miss eating out. Take out just isn't the same. We only did it a few times: Twice at Cracker Barrel, Once at KFC, twice at Popeyes and once at Jersey Mikes.

What a comfy place you have to sit and watch and world go by.

owensontheroad said...

We still don't have restaurants open, just take out. I'll be glad when things are back to normal.

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...