Saturday, May 2, 2020

Addition to Weekly Blog - Golfcart Parade

Auburndale, FL  (Hi 86  Lo 61)     


This is an addition to last weeks blog. There's events that's worth adding and after this one I'll post on Sunday instead of every Saturday. .

During this time of the Covid 19 we're watching TV with people doing shows  from home. We've been jumping all over the channels on Ruku (no longer cable) and found ESPN special for the whole day.

It's a very strange time to be a sports fan, and it's about to get even more unusual. ESPN 8: The Ocho will take over ESPN (the flagship network) on Saturday, featuring an 11-hour slate of seldom-seen sports. Here are the details:

 The action begins at noon ET, when Thor Bjornsson will attempt a world record deadlift of 1,104 pounds, live from Reykjavik, Iceland. Bjornsson won the 2018 World's Strongest Man competition, and is also known as The Mountain from "Game of Thrones."

Other highlights include marble runs, cherry pit spitting, stupid robot fighting, sign spinning and death diving.
Here is the full schedule:
Noon: World record deadlift attempt by Thor Bjornsson (live)
1 p.m.: Professional arm wrestling
1:30 p.m.: 2006 Krystal World hamburger eating competition
2:30 p.m.: E:60 -- Cheese rolling, frog jumping, and Japanese monster wrestling
3:30 p.m.: 2018 Classic Tetris world championship
4 p.m.: 2019 Golden Tee world championship
4:30 p.m.: 51st Annual Stone Skipping Competition
5:30 p.m.: 46th Annual Cherry Pit Spitting Championship
6 p.m.: Dodge juggle
7 p.m.: Putt Putt championships
7:30 p.m.: 2019 Stupid Robot Fighting League
8 p.m.: 2019 World sign spinning
8:30 p.m.: 2019 Jelle's marble runs
9 p.m.: Lawn mower racing
9:30 p.m.: Slippery stairs
10 p.m.: Death diving
We recorded the afternoon events because we have one of our own in the community. The Golfcart parade. 
Decorated for virus
We had about 50 golfcarts lined up on the road outside our community then  we drove the whole area. It was great getting out in perfect weather and seeing everyone in the community. 
Dee and Jim
Passing each other in the cal-de-sacs. Lots of smiles. 

Collecting food for the Hospice House in Auburndale
It was a great day ending the week. 

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