This week was very busy and no time to think, it's that time of year.
Saturday the community had a golfcart poker run. It's the first of hopefully many more. It's a lot of fun and brings the community together. The dealers have a deck of cards (and snacks) and stickers or markers. People in golfcarts, cars or walking go to each dealer with a sheet of all the possibilities of a poker hand. They pull a card and the dealer marks what they have on their sheet. When all the dealers have been visited you turn in the sheet and a couple people check for the highest poker hand and they win the pot. There's first thru third place plus your money back from entry fee of $5 for the lowest score. It's so much fun. We all met for pizza when it's all over and the prizes are given out.
We decorated our golfcart. (Click on the pictures to enlarge).

I'm glad I kept our halloween costumes from a couple years ago. It fit right in for the dealers.

Poker hand

100 people participated

Sunday we went to the movie Good Liar. It's slow moving but very good movie.

On Tuesday we went to the movie Ford vs Ferrari, that's an excellent movie. We looked up the real story when we got home to see how much "Hollywood" was added.

I've spent a few hours at hospice this week. I'm working on paper files and entering info to the computer, paperless is how they're going like most businesses. I also helped put hangers on Christmas balls and candles in cups for the upcoming Lights of Remembrance. I also went with another volunteer to pass out turkey dinners. It's so rewarding helping an organization that does so much good for people in need.

Thanksgiving day we went to my sister Doris and Herm's for the day. She had another neighbor join us for turkey dinner. We had a great meal of turkey, green bean casserole, mash potatoes and gravy, deviled eggs, cucumber bites and raisin cookies, pumpkin pie and apple pie. It was all delicious.
Cucumber bites

Herm, Guy, Sandy, Doris, and Jim

We stayed the night and left mid morning on Friday. The traffic was heavy but most were going south. We're getting ready today (Saturday to decorate for Christmas).

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