Saturday, October 26, 2019

Half Marathon - Doctors

Auburndale, FL (Hi 87  Lo  73)

The heat is still with us, even when we have storms it's not dropping. I don't mind the heat, it's the humidity and it comes and goes. Last Saturday our youngest son, Rick, ran a half marathon in Naperville, Illinois. There was an app that you can follow on the phone where he is and what time he was running. It's so neat to follow when you can't be there.

I've been having trouble with the knee that I had replaced in January of 2016 so I broke down and went to the surgeon in Sebring that did the surgery. He took an ex-ray and it shows a calcium deposit on the top of the knee. He ordered a brace that had to be fitted and rehab. We stopped in Sebring for the brace and they have an office in Winter Haven so we went there to pick it up. I want to use it mostly for steps, that's where more of the pain occurs. I have an appointment for rehab to increase muscle strength on Monday. All of that was in a couple days this week.

Thursday night I got up from the chair and my foot had a sharp pain. I limped to bed and about 3:00 I was in full blown pain and it was swollen. I got some ice and laid back down and fell back to sleep. In the morning it seemed better so thought it was a fluke. By late afternoon on Friday it was swollen again and very hot and red. I talked to the hospice nurse (I was working) and she said not to go home but go straight to urgent care. I went home to pick up Jim and we went to the closest care center. The PA didn't know what was going on but after consulting others in the office it maybe gout. She prescribed an antibiotic and gave me a elastic wrap and I went home. I'm hoping to make it to Monday without too big of a problem. I'll go to my doctor Monday after my rehab appointment for consulting on the knee.

Our little alligator spent some time in the grass right outside our window this week.

I hope I'm in good shape by next weekend. It's the craft fair that I organize.

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Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo 45)  This post is 3030.  This is the first day of March  and my anniversary of moving to Bob Hope Village is to...