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Monday I started the week with rehab on the knee and learned a lot about why I'm having so many problems with the replacement. I have scar tissue on one side and calcium buildup on the other side. I'm doing exercises and they're using ultrasound to break up both issues. It's going to be four weeks of rehab then see how far I'm progressing. I have rehab three days a week. When I work with knee it puts pressure on the right foot which is very painful.
Tuesday I had a doctors appointment for the pain in the right foot. I have a bruised stretched tendon. I must have twisted the foot when I got up from the lounge chair. I have to keep ice on it as much as possible and taking steroids to take care of the pain. Now that has it's own side effects, but sure does the trick for letting me sleep with no pain.
Friday was setup at the clubhouse for the craft bazaar. This is my fourth year organizing the fair and it is an all day process. I had all but one vendor come so it was a good day. I love it when everyone comes that requested a table. There were 21 vendors with 33 tables in total. Here's some pictures of some of the items being sold on Saturday.
Lots of signs along 559.

We had breakfast and lunch available to everyone. Our kitchen help

Betty takes the money for food.

We had a bake sale which is always a hit. I didn't get Joyce's picture, but she was chairman.

We had a raffle with baskets of goodies and vendors items. Sandi and Donna were chairpersons.

I'm posting just a portion of what people made, not all that was there. Some had three tables and quite a few had two tables.
My setup. I sold all but 6 items. I'm very happy and I have orders enough to keep me busy till after Christmas.

Other items.

Pictures called paint by beads. They're all done in little beads, very time consuming.

Tye-dye shirts and other items for refrigerator.

Painted ornaments

Refrigerator magnets

These are beautiful Palm Fronds.

Three tables of wood articles which are very handy to have in the house.

Wood block angels

These lights were made with plastic cups stapled together. They were beautiful.

Golf cart seat covers

Over all at the highest point of sales.

It was a great year. I'm pleased with how it turned out. The weather couldn't be any better. I'm not going to be chairman anymore, but will be helping anyone that wants to take it over. It's a good money maker for the HOA of Lake Juliana Landings.
To end the day it's all put back to the way it was before we started on Friday morning.

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