Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Royal Caribbean Cruise Day 4 Philipsburg, St. Maarten

After two days at sea and roaming around the ship with lots of other people we were ready to see we land at St. Maarten this morning. The time has changed to an hour earlier, but we stayed on ship time. That was mentioned several times because the captain didn't want us late to return on board.

There were 3 other ships in port.

This was the first time to see a full view of our ship from land.

We had someone else take our picture this time.

A cool comparison.

The walk to the bus tour.

We took a bus tour around the island. It was a double decker and the top was very hot. We were on the first deck out of the sun.

Lots of hurricane Irma damage all over the island. They're trying to rebuild. The guide said 95% of the island was destroyed or damaged in some way.

Everyone talks about the airport and how low the planes come in for landing and take offs. We went to that beach. What a great feeling! The problem was one of the little jets not the big 747 that comes in but a smaller one, knocked our hats off and started to go in the bay. We both took off after them and I fell down in the sand and Jim ended up getting in the water and a wave got him. We were a mess with sand all over us. The good news we both got our hats.  It sure was neat to see the low planes though.

The bay is packed with boats. It's a pretty area.

I love steel drums and these guys were playing when we came back from the tour.

When we went to dinner we noticed they decorated for Christmas in the dinner areas with garland down the posts.

This is a huge moving metal face. It's fun to sit and watch it go from nothing to a full face.

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