Friday, November 16, 2018

Basketball - Vets Lunch - HOA - Gals Lunch - Concert

Auburndale, FL (Hi 67  Lo 46)

This was another busy week. It's fall and everything has started up again for the winter season.  I may post daily if anything is going on it will save time on trying to remember what we've done during the week.

Saturday, the new season of Lakeland Magic started. We lost the game but we love our seats this year. I doubt if we get season tickets next year just too much going on at the clubhouse and the games are the same night. We'll pick and choose what games to go to next year.  (Click on the pictures to enlarge).

Our seats right on the half court line.

We have a restaurant here called Ford's Garage. I've had lunch there with the gals but wanted Jim to see it. The bathroom is so unique. The handles to the doors are gas pump handles and the sinks are tires.

Monday we celebrated Veterans Day at the clubhouse. We had over 100+ people and it was very nice luncheon.
A couple from the areas ROTC and our oldest resident, Vern is a WWII vet, at 97 with a mother of one of the kids. (Sorry, I didn't get names). The oldest to the newest military.

Pictures of the Vets luncheon at the clubhouse.

The first Home Owners Association was on Tuesday night for the new year. We had a lot of people to hear about FMO (Federation of  Manufactured Owners of Florida) and what they do for our community. We also had speeches for those that are running for the board. I'm running for board again next year. The voting will be in December. The meetings are every month during the winter.

Wednesday a few of us went to Orlando to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. Another group went to Smokey Bones in Lakeland. It's always a great lunch with either group.

Thursday night we went to see Mannheim Steamroller Christmas concert. It was very enjoyable and low key, not loud music. The lighting was spectacular and I tried to get a couple pictures.

When we left there were four big buses from the Villages.

Friday night we went to the second basketball game, and we won. I love watching those guys and a couple have moved on to the big league, Orlando Magic. This game they wore red/white/and blue uniforms to celebrate the military. It made them look like the Globe Trotters.

The spare time which has been very little lately,  I'm trying to get some crochet orders done.  I made a guitar, raccoon and a few Christmas ornaments. I still have a few to make before we leave on our cruise in a week.

See you next week

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