Saturday, October 20, 2018

Quiet Week

Auburndale, FL  (Hi  90  Lo  72)

This week was fairly quiet. I'm still keeping up with hurricane damage in the panhandle. My sister came down to Florida from Missouri and said it was difficult getting a hotel room because people have evacuated north. She got to talk to a few of the people and it's scary what happened.

I played a lot of card games this week, the usual Wednesday morning "coffee" to see what's going on for the week and the community has a lot of the snowbirds coming back. It's going to fill up fast now that it's colder up north. The Canadians will start arriving in November. Houses are selling and those renting out their places are also starting to come in for three or more months.  My massage was this week, so all the muscles are working. I've tried to have a massage once a month since 1999. I think that's keeping me healthy.

Our house was washed on Friday so that's shining and nice for another six months. It gets moldy here in Florida because of the humidity and heat. It really looks good in the back porch again. It won't be too long we'll be able to sit out there.

There's been a couple evenings that the temperature was under 90 and before the mosquitoes come out  I saw a couple people fishing and sitting on the dock. We have beautiful sunsets here.

I have the flyers ready to put up around town for the Craft Bazaar in a couple weeks. It's getting closer and I'm getting calls from new vendors.

Another week in paradise.

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