Saturday, February 10, 2018

Basketball Game - Movie - Okeechobee - Falcon Heavy - Beatles

Auburndale, FL ( Hi 85   Lo 66)

This blog has many pictures to "tell" what we did this week. It's been great having so much going on and staying busy. Our fun is in the winter and this week proves it.  (Click on the pictures to enlarge).

Saturday we had a basketball game but was surprised when our season ticket sponsor gave us first row tickets behind the opposing team. It was up close and personal. These guys are super tall when you're right behind them.

The coach walked back and forth and the guys were so tall in front of us it was hard seeing the game, especially at the other end of the court. The best thing about the special seats, was the food. It was gourmet and we got to experience some good and different snacks. I forgot to take pictures of the Greek food we had, but sure was good.

Half time was a dance group that could move in positions I couldn't do no matter what age. They had twerking down to an art. They were fun to watch.

The circled area is where our season seats are located.

Swish is our mascot, he was behind us giving people a hard time for being on there phones.

Sunday we went to a movie. We figured everyone would be getting ready for the super bowl. We couldn't be more wrong. It was packed. We went to see the movie The Post, with Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks. It's a powerful movie, a true story and very well done. Two thumbs up and for the family.

Monday I cleaned most of the morning and the board meeting was in the evening. Our new president is doing a great job and we got a lot accomplished.

Tuesday we got up early to head to Okeechobee to my sisters. We planned a boat trip on Lake Okeechobee. We had two pontoon boats with eight people in each of them. When we go out in their boat, we sometimes break down, or have smoke coming out of the engine. This time it was perfect for us but the other boat broke down. We pulled them to a boat ramp took the owner of the boat back with us and he drove back with his trailer. We later found out it was an electrical problem.

We always have a welcoming committee for the leaving and arriving.

We had a guy with us that has lived along Lake Okeechobee for many years. He told us a lot about the lake and what's happened since hurricane Irma. The "grassy area" have moved a lot. This patch used to be across the lake, the winds brought it to the west and it's all brown. It's like a moving carpet. Last year that whole patch, miles of it wasn't there. We saw seven alligators, all different sizes.

It was very smooth going toward town, it did get choppy on the way back.

This is the lock for Taylor's Creek.

We waited for boats coming out of the canal toward the lake. Then we could enter. There's so many boats at times that they fight for position in the lock waiting for the water to go up or down depending on the direction you're traveling.

Inside the lock

Holding on the rope waiting for the locks to open on the other side.

The other boat we were following.

On our way out into the canal.

Taylor's Creek RV park. I wish we would have known about this a couple years ago.

These little cabins used to be great places to camp with the RV's. Irma destroyed them.

This was a little dicey, pelicans in the trees and we had to go directly under them. We were hoping we would not get a shower or more.

We think this tree had honeysuckle in it. It was beautiful.

This tree was vibrant before the hurricane.

We stopped at Burger King.

Now we're going back out of the canal and to the lake.

Water coming in thru the opening raising our side.

Back into the open water.  It's a bit rougher. That piece of land you see wasn't there before the hurricane.

The Falcon Heavy rocket was suppose to go up at 2:30, but was delayed due to upper winds and lifted off at 3:45. We got to see it.

We visited awhile then left for home. It was a perfect day in the boat. Thanks Doris and Herm for a great day.

Wednesday, I went out to lunch with a few gals from the park. We went to Osaka Japanese Steakhouse. We had a great meal and visited for awhile since no one else was wanting the table. I'd like to go back there with Jim at sometime.

Thursday was really busy. I got up at 6:30 to go to Lake Wales for an FMO meeting.  (Federation of Manufactured Home Owners). We learned a lot about the rules and regulations of a mobile home owners from a lawyer. FMO is the go between the mobile home communities and their owners, like Sun Communities. If there's a ruling that needs to go to the state government the FMO will fight for us in Tallahassee. There's a lot of retirees in Florida that need help in not getting scammed with higher rents for no real reason. I learned a lot and I'm glad I went.

I got home before lunch had a bite to eat and went to the clubhouse for crafts. One person came to learn how to crochet. I'm cancelling the crafts the end of the month. I'd rather go to movies, that would give us Monday and Thursday to see a movie. People will start leaving in March so it's time to move on. The idea worked last year, but no interest this year.  After the crafts I helped a lady with power point on the computer. I was so glad to remember how to do it. It's been 9 years since I worked with that program. I came home and crashed, playing on the computer the rest of the evening.

Jim went to see a stage show called "Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles" in Lakeland.

He had a wonderful time and hopes to go again when they're in the area.

Friday I went to Avon Park to take some afghans that our group made for the veterans. I visited several people then had a massage from the gal that I used to go to while staying in the park. I spent time with Barbara and Kathy catching up on what's new in the park. I didn't get a picture of the others.

Tomorrow the busy week is starting over again. See you next week.

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