Friday, August 12, 2016

Olympics - New Floor and Upgrade

(Auburndale, FL) Hi 97 Lo 80 -- We've been spending a lot of time watching the Olympics. We're also binge watching all the seasons of Downton Abbey on Amazon Prime. I'm also still crocheting different things for the November Bazaar.  

 Some weeks there's just not a lot going on. I'm doing occupational therapy twice a week, a massage to work on muscles once a week, playing shuffleboard twice a week, keeping up with the craft bazaar  vendors that are requesting a table. We have 22 tables asked for and it's coming along fine, still need to get more ads in the local papers, but most are online.  (Click on the pictures to enlarge).

Hedgehog in white, one of critters I'm making for the bazaar.

I'm experimenting with cork and this is the wine bottle and glass I made for the wine area. It's really hard to get cork to stay glued together so I learned from internet to use a small drill bit put in a hole in the cork and put in a wire. It's holding, so far.

I was given a kitchen towel doll head to see if I could replica it. I couldn't figure out the sleeves and the collar isn't quite right, but I sure like how it turned out.

We picked out our flooring for the kitchen and the dining room which will also go in the hallway and second bathroom. The guy that's putting it down starts Monday morning.  We'll do both bedrooms carpet and living room later. It's going to be a wild week getting meals with "construction" in progress.

Jim and Clyde are unloading the tile.

Just one of the storms that went south. I'm loving the storm clouds and watching them either grow bigger or die out. It's a very interesting place to live.

See you next week.


Dizzy-Dick said...

That hedgehog is really, really cute. My wife crochets also and I told her to look at your posting.

owensontheroad said...

Love the wine cork idea! That would look good in the RV. So many wineries are going to screw tops though :)

Bob and Jo said...

Really like that hedgehog. Good luck with the new floor, can't wait to see the pictures.

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