Thursday, August 21, 2014

Camp Three Forks RV Park

(Three Forks, MT) Hi 74 Lo 52 -- We woke up to rain this morning, but it didn’t last long. It rained again later this afternoon for a short time, then we had a nice evening.

We’re on the move tomorrow, so today we’ll tell you about our park, Camp Three Forks. (The nearby town of Three Forks gets it’s name from the three rivers that come together just north of town to form the Missouri River.) This is a pretty park with enough trees to make it attractive and offer some shade, but still open enough for good satellite coverage.
2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (1)

Office and bathhouse
2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (11)

Our site.
2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (4)

There are four rental cabins in the park.
2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (13)

2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (14)

2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (16)

Play area for the kids.
2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (15)

2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (7)

Views of the countryside around the park.
2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (6)

2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (3)

2014-08-18 camp three forks MT (19)

2014-08-18 views from Missoula to Three Forks MT (1)

We've enjoyed our stay. Tomorrow we're off to Billings, about 180 miles east. See you in two days.


Bob and Jo said...

Nice park

Dizzy-Dick said...

Is that last picture some sort of refinery or a petro-chemical storage area?

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