Sunday, June 8, 2014

Movie Day and Birthday Dinner

(Carson City, NV) Hi 86 Lo 54 -- Another year older. Luckily I don’t feel older, yet.  Smile

We're in this area so we can spend some time with our long time friends George and Linda.
2014-06-07 george and linda carson city, nv

Yesterday they picked us up and we went to Reno to see the movie A Million Ways To Die In the West. It was very funny, and we loved the fact it was filmed in Monument Valley in Utah. We enjoyed seeing the beautiful scenery we just left a week or so ago. We all enjoyed the movie and had a lot of laughs.

The theater was different from any we’ve ever seen. The seats were full size recliners, just like in our living room. It was so comfortable. We're hoping this is the future of movie theaters. (Sorry for the blurriness, it was real dark.

2014-06-07 dee linda george, carson city nv

After the movie we went to Red Lobster for my annual lobster dinner. I’ve been going to Red Lobster on my birthday for many years. I usually get a two pound steamed lobster, but this year I decided to get the lobster tails covered with lobster sauce. For my birthday they gave me an extra tail, so it was a great meal with mashed potatoes and green beans. It was wonderful!
2014-06-07 lobster dinner carson city nv

Today we went over to Linda and George’s to watch the NASCAR race. Linda and I talked all afternoon while Jim and George watched the race in George's "man cave." Later George grilled some turkey burgers for dinner. It’s so good to be with them again.

Around sunset we came back home and spent the rest of the evening watching TV.


Jim and Sandie said...

Happy Birthday. And always remember - we are only as old as we think we are. So think young.

Mike and Terri said...

Happy Birthday Dee! Your lobster dinner looked yummy!!

Tom and Marci said...

That's a cool movie theatre, but wouldn't be good for Tom . . . he'd never get his money's worth as he'd probably be asleep before the movie was half over (like he is at home in his recliner)!!

Karen and Al said...

We very rarely go to a movie theater and the main reason is that we like to get comfy. That's a theater we could learn to love!

Happy Birthday Dee.

owensontheroad said...

So glad that you enjoyed your birthday dinner! Those recliners look dangerous, George too would be asleep and miss the

Gypsy said...

A belated happy birthday to you, Dee. A good movie and a great dinner of your choice is the way to celebrate.

Dizzy-Dick said...

Now that is my kind of movie theater seats!!

Phyllis said...

People who like lobster really like lobster. However I love seafood except lobster. Once in Maine I decided since in Maine I had to have lobster. I did and looked jealously at the prime rib Len was eating.

Wowee on the birthday celebration.

Bob and Jo said...

We were not sure whether or not to see this movie, have to add to our list.

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