Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Do Nothing Day - Lunch and a Movie

(Carson City, NV) Hi 88 Lo 54 -- We had a do nothing day yesterday. We basically just sat in our chairs, listened to music, and I read blogs while Jim read a book. I also did some crocheting and finished another afghan. I really like the colors in the last two, I may keep them. I love this pattern, it has "bumps" on one side and bright colors.

Today George and Linda picked us up for lunch and a movie. Jim hasn't been to In and Out Burger, a fast food chain here in the western U.S. He wanted to compare it to his favorite burger place, Five Guys. He said the burgers are pretty close, but Five Guys gets the nod for their fries. George showed us around Carson City for a while, then we went to see the movie Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise. It was a very entertaining science fiction movie, with a plot that really made you think. We all liked it. If you like science fiction, it's fast paced and really good.

George and Linda dropped us off back at home where we had dinner and Jim watched the Cardinals baseball game. I'm on chat and crocheting for the evening.

Thanks for reading.


Bob and Jo said...

It's In-n-Out for Bob.

Gypsy said...

The afghan is beautiful! Great work, Dee.

There is an In-Out just outside the gate to my Park. When any of the kids has to get on my roof they say the wonderful smell of the fries drives them crazy. When I drive by I don't think any of it smells good, but I'm not a fast-food addict.

roamingwhenwecan said...

Totally agree with Jim about the fries!

Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...