Friday, June 6, 2014

Quick Update on What's Ahead

(Carson City, NV)  Hi 88  Lo 52 -- Our View out our back window is great, with clouds and sun and snow on the peaks of the mountains. We love it.

This is the view from the kitchen table during breakfast this morning.

We did our morning routines, did a little cleaning, then went over to our friends' house about two miles away. George and Linda are our close friends from our Air Force days. We met them back in the mid-70's, then we followed them from base to base for over 10 years. Linda and I had our second kids at almost the same time in the hospital. So we've known them for a very long time. We haven't been able to see them very often because we've lived on opposite sides of the country since our military days.

We went to their place for an afternoon of catching up, then back home and settled in for the night. We'll be celebrating my birthday tomorrow in Reno, and yes I'll be having lobster. We'll post again in a couple days.


owensontheroad said...

Happy birthday!! Glad you are catching up with close friends.

Jessica Riker said...

Happy happy birthday Dee!! :) Enjoy your lobstah!!

Phyllis said...

Have a great birthday dinner and lots more to follow.

Bill and Nancy said...

Happy Birthday and enjoy that lobster:o))

Jim and Sandie said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoyed your lobster. So much fun to catch up with old friends.

Bob and Jo said...

Happy Birthday, enjoy the lobster

Walk in the Woods - St. Patrick's Party - Council - Sip and Paint

 Shalimar, Fl   (Hi 71  Lo 51) Jim Morris, a resident here, sent me these pictures this morning!  I love them. (Click on the photos to enlar...