Wednesday, November 27, 2013

RV Friends Visit – Bell Ringers

Avon Park, FL –

Monday, November 25 (Hi 76 Lo 62) - I cleaned the RV, but Jim had it in good shape. All I did was some sweeping and dusting. Tricia and Dan visited us this afternoon. They're on the way from Key West to Cedar Key, north of Tampa, and stopped here overnight. We’ve met them a couple of times at RV-Dreams rallys, and also at the Carolina Clan Get Together in South Carolina last year. We went to dinner at Homer's Smorgasbord, then Tricia joined Jim and me for cards with the gang at the club house. They left early the next morning to beat the storm that’s coming in from the West.

Tricia and Dan

Tuesday, November 26 (Hi 82 Lo 67) - I got up early to go to the church to try out for the bell ringers. That's something I’ve always wanted to try, and the group needs more members. I sat in for the hour to watch and see how’s it done, and next week I’ll participate. It’s a little close to the Christmas performance but hopefully I can pick it up and be a part of the group. The leader taught me how to ring a couple bells, which isn’t as easy as you’d think. I’m anxious to give it a try.

Early in the afternoon I went to my doctor for my annual medical exam. I've been borderline diabetic for over a year, and my A1C reading last year was 6.4 (6.5 or above is considered diabetic). Thanks to my hard work during the last year, today my reading was 6.1. It's all about what you eat and how much. I’m so thrilled!

I got my hair cut and picked up some groceries before heading home. I’m slowly getting back to our winter routine here in Florida.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL OUR READERS... We wish you a great day with family and friends!


Dizzy-Dick said...

Can you make a recording of the bell ringing? I am sure you will do a great job.

Donna W. said...

great job on getting A1C down. Sam runs above 8 wish I could get him to change his diet.Its hard work I know but keep at it. I see what he goes through and you don't want to be in that position

Bill and Nancy said...

Way to go on improving that A1C!!! Yep, it's all about diet and exercise...keep up the good work:o))

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Congratulations on reducing your A1C reading! That's great!

Good luck with the bell ringers. Hope you have fun!

owensontheroad said...

Good for you on the A1C! You're doing great. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Jim!

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

Love playing bells. We did it years ago at a church we attended. Not as easy as you'd think, but the results are magical! :c)

Jim and Sandie said...

I've never been a bell ringer but I so enjoy them. A short video would be wonderful (hint, hint). Getting your A1C down is a major accomplishment. Congrats. And Happy Thanksgiving.

RV Khronicles of Kevelyn said...

Fantastic job on getting your A1C number down. Our son has been a Type 1 diabetic since he was 11 years old. You're giving yourself the best gift you can! I just wish he could change his diabetes with diet and exercise, but Type 1 is not the same. He has an insulin pump and that has been a lifesaver for him. Happy Thanksgiving!

Kristin and John said...

Have a Happy Thanksgiving from a fellow Missourian.

Mike and Terri said...

Hope you get to ring some chimes. :-)

Happy Thanksgiving to you both!

Dan and Tricia said...

We had a great time with you guys and it was fun playing cards with your friends! See ya down the road!

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