Friday, October 4, 2013

It's Busy Around Here

(Raleigh, NC) Hi 89 Lo 65 -- It's feeling good with all the warm weather. It's warmer now than anytime we felt in New England this summer.

I had to get up earlier than normal to get to my eye appointment. I've been going to the same doctor since 1998. My eyes haven't changed since last year, including a cataract that's holding steady. The doctor told me if I always wear sunglasses outside the cateract shouldn't change. Since my glasses are getting pretty scratched up I decided to go ahead and get some new lenses. Jim ordered new lenses yesterday, so now we just hope they come in  before we have to leave.

The construction of the bath house here in the RV park is really getting busy. There's lots of gravel trucks coming in and dumping gravel on the new lot, making it really dusty. A water truck comes around a couple times a day putting water on the gravel, which does help.

My car is really showing the dirt. The truck and RV are both white so it's not quite as noticeable. We could wash them all down, but it will only get bad again so we'll wait till we get moved on Sunday. If we get the remnants of tropical storm Karen it may just do the washing for us.

The park itself is getting busier too. The fair vendors and workers are arriving, most of them in long fifth wheels that resemble horse trailers. The one parked right next to us is 53 feet long! This photo doesn't show its length, but I'll get a better picture of it for tomorrow's blog.

I couldn't read anything on the computer because my eyes were dilated from my exam, so I crocheted all afternoon. Jim went to lunch with a ex-coworker and got caught up with what's going on at his old job.

We went out to dinner with Jerry, our friend from the Friday Night Gang. He's the only one of the group available. The rest of the group left town for the weekend.


Jim and Sandie said...

I love it when the doc says the cataract hasn't grown any since last year. That is a good thing.

Donna W. said...

still to bad you have to move. you could have a ring side seat to the fair

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