Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hart’s Content Campground – More Visiting

(Beaver Falls, PA) Hi 87 Lo 67 – I took a walk around the campground today. It’s a really nice park and everyone is so friendly. (Click on the pictures to enlarge)

Our site.

There’s a rental cabin to the right of us.

A lot of the folks here are pipeline workers, so they work during the day then back to their RV’s at night. Others are seasonal, they live here with family nearby and go to Florida in the winter.

There’s a pavilion for potlucks and other park functions.

A playground area for the kids.

Bath house.

Nice pool.

Office area. The little train is hand made by a wood worker in the park. He completed the engine two years ago, and adds a new car each year. This year's car will be revealed this week.

After lunch we went to Martha and Gary’s house. Our same Adelaide Shores group of 12 as yesterday gathered for more food and card playing. It’s been so fun the past two days. So many laughs and good times!

We came home before dark. The three couples who drove in from out of town left for their homes. We had to say "goodbye" to Barb and Gene, as they won’t be going back to Florida this winter. But it was "see you later" for Sandy and Dick, and Pat and John. They'll be returning to Florida where we'll see them again.

It’s a been fun, but it’s not over. We plan a down day tomorrow, but we're having one more get together with Doris and Bill, and Martha and Gary.

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