Thursday, May 23, 2013

An Award for Kendall

(Edwardsville, IL) Hi 64 Lo 59 -- It got chilly and didn't warm up all day. Tonight will be back in the 40's. I guess winter isn't done in the midwest.

Early this morning we went to grandson Kendall's school for the end-of-year awards ceremony. All kinds of awards were given, for things like perfect attendance, academic achievement, and reading a certain number of books. Kendall won an award for overall athletics.

The kid sure is cute, isn't he?

After we left Kendall to finish his school day we went for breakfast at McDonalds then to a local La-Z-Boy showroom to look at recliners. We want to ditch the couch that came with the RV and replace it with my current recliner, which is a little too wide for the space it's in. We want to put a new (smaller) chair in my current space, and my current chair against the back wall where the couch now sits. I narrowed my choice down to two models. Hmm, I have to think about it a bit. Meanwhile I had to rush across town for a massage appointment, using a Groupon we got a couple of months ago.

After a relaxing massage, and a little time to think about it, we went back to La-Z-Boy and I made my choice. It's ordered and will be in in about a week, which will give us time to figure out what to do with the couch (and hope we can get it out our door). The new chair is my early birthday present. :)

We went to my friend Ruth's to visit a couple hours before going back home. We had a busy day so we relaxed for the evening. (I know... we relax EVERY evening.) The school year ends tomorrow so we'll be a little more busy with the kids the next couple of weeks.


Gail Houle said...

Best thing we did was ditch the couch and get Lazy Boys :) Good luck with the removal. They had to remove a window to take ours out...but it worked :)

Bob and Jo said...

We ditched our original loveseat in our cameo with a lazy boy recliner, one of the best things we ever did.

BTW when we took the Carriage factory tour before they told us everything in the cameo can go back out through the door. That is how they got everything in.

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